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Pupil attainment: % reaching Level 2 and 3 by age 19

Proportion of people studying in a local authority at age 15-19 that reach the level 3 threshold, by age and cohort Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Learning and Skills Council...

Children's tooth decay (at age 5)

Mean number of teeth per child sampled which were either actively decayed or had been filled or extracted. Source: BASCD (British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry) Publisher:...

UKTI Government Procurement Card spend - transactions over £500

UKTI has published all Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend for Departmental GPC's. The data published includes transactions that have a single transaction value of £500 or above. This data will...

Student Loans in England

Presents statistics on the status of student loans borrowers and the change in debt in the financial year. The borrowers are English domiciles who studied anywhere in the UK or EU students who...

OFT Monthly workforce management information April-August 2011

The OFT has published monthly workforce management information. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of...

SFO non-consolidated performance related pay

These non-consolidated performance related pay figures are being published as part of the government's commitment to transparency. These figures are not official statistics but internal information...

Workforce management information

This workforce management and related information is being published as part of the government's commitment to transparency. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce...

Fishing Statistics - Shellfish landings (tonnes) from Scottish waters - latest published statistics and previous 4 years

Landings by live weight (tonnes) for commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas of shellfish (crustacean/mollusc) fish species, including UK registered fishing vessels wherever they land and...

Fishing Statistics - Pelagic landings (tonnes) from Scottish waters - latest published statistics and previous 4 years

Landings by live weight (tonnes) for commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas of pelagic (oceanic/midwater) fish species, including UK registered fishing vessels wherever they land and non-UK...

Fishing Statistics - Demersal landings (tonnes) from Scottish waters - latest published statistics and previous 4 years

Landings by live weight (tonnes) for commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas of demersal (bottom dwelling) fish species, including UK registered fishing vessels wherever they land and non-UK...

SFO government procurement card expenditure

This government procurement card expenditure information is being published as part of the government's commitment to transparency. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal...

Rock Physics and Seismic Amplitude Calibration Study

In support of the 32nd Licence Round, the NSTA is releasing a rock physics study which has been conducted by Ikon Science. The study covers two parts of the UKCS – the Central North Sea (CNS) and...

2004 Devon Coast Lobster Maturity Study

A sample of 91 females and 37 male lobsters was collected on 29th September 2004 at sea from Ilfracombe in Devon. Samples were captured using parlour pots and were size stratified within the...

BRNC - Accreditation office

Britannia Royal Naval College - Information for presentation to the Exam Board for the awarding of the FdSc in Naval/Maritime Studies and DipHE in Marine Studies..

Children’s homes inspections and outcomes: management information

Management information published quarterly in the interests of transparency.

Ofsted Parent View: management information

Management information published annually in the interests of transparency.

HMRC International tax benchmarking

Part of HM Revenue & Customs' (HMRC's) research activities involve comparing the way HMRC work to counterparts in other countries. This work allows HMRC to identify leading practice elsewhere,...

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Enquiries about Results for GCSE and GCE

Awarding organisations must have published arrangements for the submission of enquires about results. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total number of enquiries about results...

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...