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Metrolink Stops and Rail Stations

Location data for Metrolink and Rail stations in Greater Manchester. Last Updated: 10 March 2020 Please acknowledge the source of this information using the following attribution...

Air Quality Monitoring Station Data - Air Quality Station 2 Salterhebble, Halifax

These data files are periodic (15 minutes) measurements of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in the air for the monitoring station at Salterhebble, Halifax. The units are...

Historical Station Observations

Monthly data are available from 37 long-running historic stations, see the map for locations. The series typically range from 50 to more than 100 years in length. The data consists...

Observation Station Dataset

Metadata about the Synop and Climate stations used to collect Observations.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Point dataset showing the locations of the local air quality monitoring stations in the Cotswold District.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Air quality monitoring stations within East Staffordshire.

Whitchurch Railway Station Car Park

Dataset showing the location of the Whitchurch Railway Station Car Park as defined in the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan (2011 - 2029) Policy SS11 – Whitchurch Railway Station Car Park ...

Scarborough Borough Council Polling Stations

Scarborough Borough Council Polling Station locations.

Shepway District Council Polling Stations

Location of Polling Stations in Shepway District

Polling Stations in the London Borough of Ealing

Location details of polling stations used in the London Borough of Ealing

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

AQ monitoring stations for NO2 and PM2.5. Diffusion tubes and Automatic monitoring.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Dataset shows location of air quality monitoring stations

Current Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Wolverhampton City Council Current Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Local Air Quality monitoring Stations

Location of air quality monitors/analysers in Northampton.

Belfast Air Quality Monitoring Stations

This data set contains information on air quality monitoring stations in Belfast including location, height and pollutants checked for. This does NOT include the actual monitored data itself; this...

Derby City Polling Station Locations

Information on the location and postal address of polling stations within Derby City.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Polling Stations

Polygon dataset of Sevenoaks District Polling Stations - API and download in British National Grid.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Air quality monitoring stations within East Staffordshire.

Air Quality Monitoring Auto Stations

As part of LA duty to assess air pollution and determine compliance with legal limits.Used to measure NOX, NO, NO2, PM10, PM2.5.

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations in York. For more air quality related data please visit the following datasets: • [__Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) in...