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130 results found

London's Economy Today

The most up-to-date information on London's economy, published by email every month. Each issue includes an overview of current economic conditions, the latest indicators and a supplement on a...

Travel by Scottish residents

Journeys made by all members of the household (including children). Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Travel by Scottish...

Travel Patterns and Trends, London

This [spreadsheet]( summarises of the key travel patterns and trends relating to the TFL network and Airports...

Councillor travel and accommodation expenses

Dataset showing all councillor travel expenses booked via the council's current travel contract (Click Travel). The information shows date of travel, councillor, type of travel and cost. Please...

Translink Transport Information API

API allows developer access to the same underlying Transport planning data from Translink's Journey Planner, Website Station Screens and App in JSON format. Opendata API Licence and user...

Water Vole Risk Zones - East Anglia

This dataset identifies areas where the predicted distribution of water voles and has been categorised into zones relating to water vole occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to...

Bus and Coach Statistics, Scotland

Trends in service provision (vehicle-kilometres), passenger journeys and receipts; availability of services and use for commuting. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Effective practice in English and maths for adult learners in London

This report, commissioned by the GLA and produced by the Learning and Work Institute, aims to identify barriers to participation and achievement in basic English and maths training (at level 2 and...

Travel Diary

Provides information on travel by adults, including journey purpose, mode, distance, duration, experience of congestion and times and days of week on which adults travel. Source agency: Scottish...

Mill Road Project: Traffic Sensor Data

15 smart sensors have been installed on Mill Road and surrounding streets to record numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, cars and other vehicles. The data being collated and analysed by the Smart...

London’s post-16 trajectories

As London recovers from the effects of COVID-19, it is vital that we understand the educational pathways for young people and do all we can to support them in their journey. We know that the...

Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SDMD) People in Treatment

Information on individuals presenting to drug treatment services, their journey through treatment and, using person 'follow up' data, an exploration of treatment outcomes. Source agency: ISD...

Airport Departing Passenger Survey

A survey of passengers at a range of UK airports. The surveys have included questions on journey purpose, final and intermediate surface origins/destinations, means of transport ...

The Groves - Low Traffic Neighbourhood Trial

In June 2020, the decision was taken to implement a low traffic neighbourhood trial in The Groves. For more information on the trial please visit [__City of York Council's...

Metro Cards Use and Savings

Data taken from Calderdale Council Resource Booking System, where staff are able to book Metro cards for business use. Highlights data on cost of Metro cards, number of journeys made, miles...

National Travel Survey

Scottish results from the National Travel Survey. Includes long-term trends in the average number/distance of journeys made per person per year and variations in travel patterns with age, sex,...

SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 2m

The SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was produced in 2019. Combining LIDAR and near-shore multibeam SONAR Bathymetry elevation data, it is the best currently available Digital Elevation Model...

Experimental friction data for different grain size quartz gouges under different effective normal stresses (NERC Grant NE/P002943/1)

The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on 3 different grain size quartz gouges (5, 15 and 30 microns). The quartz gouge layers were sheared under a range of effective normal...

Abundance of airborne pollen for nine grass species, measured by qPCR, UK, 2016-2017

The dataset contains abundance data of airborne pollen (including Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal-grass), Arrhenatherum elatius (false oat-grass), Cynosurus cristatus (crested dog's-tail),...

Greater Cambridge Partnership Big Conversation: Origin/Destination Data

This dataset includes travel to work Origin/Destination data for Cambridge and the immediate surrounding areas. It is a subset of the data that was collected as part of the Greater Cambridge ‘Big...