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NI 013 - Migrants English language skills and knowledge

Migrants can be considered as having made positive steps towards resettlement or integration when they are empowered to gain employment, contribute to the local and national economy and to make...

IMD Education Skills and Training Deprivation Domain 2007

This is one of the 7 domains of the IMD, the indicators used in the latest update of this domain are; - Average test score of pupils at Key Stage 2 - Average test score of pupils at Key Stage 3 -...

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Adult Skills sub-domain

ID 2007 Skills Subdomain (lack of qualifications in terms of skills among the adult population) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Adult Skills sub-domain

ID 2004 Skills Subdomain (lack of qualifications in terms of skills among the adult population) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Communities and Local...

Highway Planning Lines

The area of Highway Planning Lines safeguarded for road improvements within Nottingham City, indicating areas of land required to deliver transport schemes.

Rochford Power Lines

This dataset shows the location of Power Lines within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Rail Safeguarding Lines

Areas where the railway will be shallow, at or above ground level.They may also include land required permanently for stations, ventilation and access shafts. Here all planning applications must be...

Tunnel Safeguarding Lines

showing areas that TFL consultation is required on planning applications due to tube tunnels running beneath the site.

Transferable Skills: Understanding effective delivery through adult skills provision

Ask Research were commissioned to undertake research on the delivery of transferable skills through GLA adult skills funding in London.    This research aims to improve the GLA's understanding on...

Boundary Line

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Boundary Line

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Boundary Line

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Boundary Line

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

UKCES Employer Perspectives Survey

The UK Commission’s Employer Perspectives Survey (UKCEPS) is a major survey of UK employers, looking at how they meet their skills requirements and in particular their perceptions and use of...

Anonymised AIS Derived Track Lines 2015

AIS vessel transit data for 2015 processed by ABPmer on behalf of the MMO, using data supplied by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), following a methodology previously developed by ABPmer...

Anonymised AIS Derived Track Lines 2014

This dataset contains the anonymised transit line data used to create the 2014 UK shipping density grid.The MCA were currently mid-way through amodernisation programme which involvedupdating the...

Anonymised AIS Derived Track Lines 2013

This dataset contains the anonymised transit line data used to create the UK shipping density grid.

Offender Learning and Skills Service OLASS YOL1 Data Returns

The YOL1 is the data collection tool used by the Education Funding Agency (EFA), to monitor the performance of its three contracted providers of the Offender Learning and Skills Service (OLASS) in...

2011 skills for life survey small area estimation datasets

These data are modelled estimates of literacy , numeracy and ICT skills in lower-level geographies in England. Small Area Estimation modelling methods have been applied to the 2011 Skills for Life...

Employment and occupational skill levels among UK and foreign nationals

Examines employment levels changes, in the context of longer-term labour market trends, recent economic conditions and immigration policy changes