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295 results found

National Diabetes Inpatient Safety Audit (NDISA) 2018-2021

The information available from this webpage comes from the National Diabetes Inpatient Safety Audit (NDISA). The NDISA measures the frequency of avoidable diabetic harms. The NDISA audit is part of...

Incidence of healthcare-associated infection - C. difficile (NHSOF 5.2.ii)

The number of Clostridium difficile infections reported to Public Health England (PHE), in patients aged two years or older. Purpose This indicator aims to measure the progress in reducing the...

Contaminated Land

Areas of contaminated land in Milton Keynes. Land is only “contaminated land” where it appears to the council to be in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under the land that: a)...

NI 059 - Initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral

Initial assessments are an important indicator of how quickly services can respond when a child is thought to be at risk of serious harm. As the assessments involve a range of local agencies, this...

Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)

Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)

HR information

Held on Snowdrop, with U-Access as the ‘front end’ self service end of the database, this is a database of staff who have been employed at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Includes...

Domiciliary Care Providers Northern Ireland

The Survey of Domiciliary Care Providers Northern Ireland, is based on the findings from a self-completed postal survey of 154 providers of domiciliary care across the statutory, voluntary and...

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

Dental Earnings and Expenses, Scotland

Dental Earnings and Expenses provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of full-time and part-time self-employed primary care dentists who carried out some NHS/Health Service work in...

Evidence gathered under the Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality of Autumn 2021

Data and written reports detailing the evidence used to inform the Environment Agency and Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality events of October 2021. Data from the Environment...

Summary of Employment Projections, London

A summary of the latest employment projections for London produced by four respected organisations. 1) Cambridge Econometrics Employment defined as: Employees + Self-employed + HM Forces Jobs ...

Dental Earnings and Expenses, Northern Ireland

Dental Earnings and Expenses provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of full-time and part-time self-employed primary care dentists who carried out some NHS/Health Service work in...

Dental Earnings and Expenses, England & Wales

Dental Earnings and Expenses provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of full-time and part-time self-employed primary care dentists who carried out some NHS/Health Service work in...

Lough Erne Accountability Report - tables

In 2009 G8 Leaders made a public commitment to monitor their progress on the promises they have made on development. Since the Muskoka G8 summit in 2010 they have published an annual Accountability...

Rents: Average weekly RSL rents

The Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) is a data collection carried out by the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) and is completed by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and based on general needs...

Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces

Green open space provided and managed to mitigate the harmful effects of new development on protected bird habitats.

Strategic Open Breaks

Stategic Open Breaks maintain the physical separation of certain settlements, development within the following open breaks will be limited to that which retains their open character and their...

National Insurance Contributions and Qualifying Years

This release provides the latest estimates on people who have paid National Insurance contributions since 1978/79. The figures show all the contribution types that a person has paid during the...

Covid-19 - Test and Trace Support applications (employment type)

Identifying whether applicant is employed or self-employed.

Acute sickness

The prevalence of self-reported acute sickness among adults in the two weeks preceding a survey interview. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and...