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Better Business Partnership

The Better Business Partnership (BBP) is the trusted trader scheme operating in Perth and Kinross. The aim is to help traders comply with the law while improving consumer protection through a...

No cold-calling zones

No cold-calling zones within the Bristol boundary.No cold-calling zones aim to deter uninvited doorstep traders from calling at houses within the zone.

Email license application database

email addresses of traders

Email Refund Certificate Applications database

Holds email addresses of traders

No Cold Calling Zones

A no cold calling zone is a designated area where the resident community declare they no longer wish to accept traders calling at their home without an appointment. The zone is designated via the...

UKCP09: Time Series of Annual values of growing season length (days)

UKCP09 Time series of growing season length. Period bounded by daily mean temperature >5 °C for >5 consecutive days and daily mean temperature <5 °C for >5 consecutive days (after 1...

UKCP09: Gridded Datasets of Annual values of Growing season length (days)

UKCP09: Gridded datasets of annual values. The day-by-day sum of the mean number of degrees by which the air temperature is more than a value of 22 °C Period bounded by daily mean temperature...

Modelled ozone flux for the grassland growing season in the UK and USA in 2018

This dataset consists of a vector layer (based on 1 by 1degree grid), of modelled ozone flux (POD1IAM, mmol m-2), The values per grid cell are Phytotoxic Ozone Dose above a threshold of y (y=1 nmol...

Diatom community composition over a seasonal cycle in the Hampshire Avon catchment

This dataset contains diatom species count data from rivers within the Hampshire Avon catchment, UK. Data were collected from five sediment cores at each site, collected in February, April, August...

Statistics on football banning orders

Number of arrests and banning orders issued during the football season. Shown by club and by offence.

Export Licence Files

Trader name, address, registered RPA no. Licence data. Transport Import documents

DCLG Data4NR: Football related offences

Football related arrests and offences by type of offence for all football clubs in England (Premiership to Blue Square Premier) for the 2007/08 season. Data4NR reference.

UKCP09: 5km gridded data - Annual Average - Growing season length (days)

UKCP09: 5 km gridded data - Annual averages for the growing season length in days. The data set contains 12 files (one for each month for the 1961-1990 average period). The individual grids are...

Value of orders for new housing construction, Great Britain

This dataset contains a short-term measure of output by the private sector and public corporations in the construction industry in Great Britain, including quarterly data. Values are given in...

Testing shoot cold hardiness in Eucalyptus (Daneshill energy plantation 2007)

Several studies on growing eucalyptus in Britain have been undertaken over the last 25 years. All recognise the potential for establishing this species as a valuable forest crop while stressing...

Modelled mean daily surface ozone for the grassland growing season in the UK and USA in 2018

This dataset consists of a vector layer (based on 1 by 1° grid), of modelled surface ozone concentrations (ppb). The values per cell are daily mean surface ozone for the period 6am – 6pm. The...

Carbon and nitrogen cycling in river sediments over a seasonal cycle in the Hampshire Avon catchment

Data on the carbon and nitrogen cycling in sediments from rivers within the Hampshire Avon catchment, UK. The dataset includes functional gene data, anion and cation concentrations, methane...

Modelled surface nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for the grassland growing season in the UK and USA in 2018

This dataset consists of a vector layer (based on 1 by 1° grid), of modelled daily surface nitrogen dioxide (NO2, ug m-3). A seasonal average value per grid cell was calculated for the grassland...

Seasonal abundance data of all Culex pipiens life stages at a UK field site

This dataset contains details of the seasonal abundance of each of the life stages of the mosquito species, Culex pipiens, at a field site located at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in...

ArcGIS layers accompanying report Risk assessment of seabird bycatch in UK waters - MB0126

These data layers support the project Risk assessment of seabird bycatch in UK waters1, project MB0126, compiled by WWT Consulting. This dataset contains shapefile layers for: location of waterbird...