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139 results found

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) North-West Scotland subtidal seagrass beds survey

Survey to determine the scale of the subtidal seagrass resource present along the north-west coast of Scotland (within the SNH North Highland area). The results of work will support the on-going...

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) North-West Scotland subtidal seagrass beds survey

Survey to determine the scale of the subtidal seagrass resource present along the north-west coast of Scotland (within the SNH North Highland area). The results of work will support the on-going...

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Geophysical, Multibeam, Photo and Video Survey 2009/3_JNCC: Seabed habitat investigations: Anton Dohrn and East Rockall Bank (01/Jul/2009 to 29/Jul/2009)

This JNCC marine survey took place in July 2009 and surveyed two areas (Anton Dohrn seamount and East Rockall Bank Reef) for offshore Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). These areas are both now...

1995 Purbeck Marine Research Unit, Canford School, Handfast Point to Ballard Point, Ross Coral Mapping Project

These records all relate to "Powell (ed) (1995) - Ross Coral Mapping Project 1995". A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). Following on from the survey work carried out...

1995 Purbeck Marine Research Unit, Canford School, Handfast Point to Ballard Point, Ross Coral Mapping Project

These records all relate to "Powell (ed) (1995) - Ross Coral Mapping Project 1995". A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). Following on from the survey work carried out...

2003 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Mousa broad-scale mapping survey

Mousa was identified as a candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) because of the presence of a large breeding colony of common seals, Phoca vitulina, a species listed in Annex II of the EC...

2003 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Mousa broad-scale mapping survey

Mousa was identified as a candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) because of the presence of a large breeding colony of common seals, Phoca vitulina, a species listed in Annex II of the EC...

QICS Paper: The use of scientific diving in support of a novel carbon dioxide release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a way of possibly reducing impacts from fossil fuel emissions by injecting large volumes of carbon dioxide into appropriate geological formations. Some of the...

Land survey collection of photographs

This is the core collection of photographs in BGS it represents photographs taken by professional photographers and selected by subject and quality for public reference in the BGS libraries. The...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project report: Technology review - Marine geolocation technology

The NERC-funded QICS controlled CO2 release experiment (located offshore Oban, Scotland) mimics the formation of a new CO2 seep in the marine environment. At the site, CO2 is injected at an onshore...

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mapping Project

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mapping Project is a project that has been carried out over 12 years, with the aim to enhance our understanding about past human settlement, by providing...

2002 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Kommandor Jack SEA4 Survey Leg 1 - geophysical survey (north UKCS)

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) a geophysical survey of the UKCS north of Shetland...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Kommandor Jack SEA7 Survey Leg 1 - geophysical survey (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) a geophysical survey was undertaken on Kommandor Jack over...

Hydraulic mobility of aquatic insect (Trichoptera) bioconstructions and incorporated sediments

Data comprise resistance of aquatic bioconstructions (Trichoptera cases), and the loose sediment they were built from, to hydraulic forces measured in a hydraulic flume. S1_Velocimetry_data...

1994 Purbeck Marine Research Unit Canford School, Swanage Dorset, Ross Coral Mapping Drift dive transect surveys

All these records relate to "Powell (ed) (1994) - Ross Coral Mapping Project (Preliminary Report) 1994" A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). This survey aimed to map...

1994 Purbeck Marine Research Unit Canford School, Swanage Dorset, Ross Coral Mapping Drift dive transect surveys

All these records relate to "Powell (ed) (1994) - Ross Coral Mapping Project (Preliminary Report) 1994" A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). This survey aimed to map...

Priority Habitats - Heathland

About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern IrelandThe heathland database was mapped using evidence gathered from...

Priority Habitats - Heathland

About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern IrelandThe heathland database was mapped using evidence gathered from...

Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF) Groundtruthing Survey 2009_8_MEPF: MALSF Humber Regional Environmental Characterisation Project: Southern North Sea (20/Apr/2009 to 26/May/2009)

The Humber Regional Environmental Characterisation (REC) surveys are funded through the marine Environment Protection Fund of the Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF). The aims of the surveys...