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Impact indicator: households in temporary accommodation

Number of households in temporary accommodation (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total number of households in temporary accommodation for all housing authorities in...

Historic River Quality Objectives

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA164. The River Quality Objectives (RQO) classification was used for planning water quality improvements until 2006 when the scheme ended. RQOs were...

Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

The Economics of London's Housing Market

Through reading this publication you will: • gain an understanding of how house prices are set in economics terms, how they are measured, and why the cost of housing matters for London’s economy...

Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Integrated Water Management Plan

An Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP) for the Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Opportunity Area prepared by the Greater London Authority in partnership with LB Tower Hamlets, also encompassing...

Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Reference boundaries

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been retired. Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Reference boundaries is no longer updated. The last update of the dataset was 10/2017. Catchment...

Green Heat in Greenspaces (GHiGs) - Scotland

All GHiGs datasets cover the whole of Scotland and have been derived by Greenspace Scotland over the project period of September 2020 to April 2021. Principal third party data suppliers include: -...

2011 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   The 2011 round of projections were the last produced by...

2016 Annual School Places Planning Report Primary - Secondary

Every year, the authority reviews its school places planning projections for primary and secondary sectors. This latest report highlights the 2016 current capacity and pressures within the borough,...

Input data and settings for running a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin, Spain, 1990-2012

This dataset contains the input data and settings needed to run a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin in Spain. The input data include: an elevation model of the catchment, flow...

Imports by country of export and age 2006 to 2009

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of imports by country of export and age from 2006 to 2009, the 2009 imports are higher than previous years due to an increase...

Library Visits

The data from 17/18 - 19/20 shows library visits for each library in Calderdale for both Library and Non-Library purposes. (Library purposes are physical or footfall visits include borrowing or...

London Heat Map

London Heat Map --------------- The London Heat Map is a tool designed to help you identify areas of high heat demand, explore opportunities for new and expanding district heat networks and to...

Input-Output Supply and Use Tables

An essential source for the data underlying Gross Domestic Product. These balances provide a single framework showing the relationship between components of value added, industry inputs and...

Carer Breaks Consultation 2023

Under the Care Act 2014, Local Authorities must promote carers’ wellbeing and prevent their needs from escalating. Breaks have a potentially crucial role in helping local authorities meet their...

Airport Departing Passenger Survey

A survey of passengers at a range of UK airports. The surveys have included questions on journey purpose, final and intermediate surface origins/destinations, means of transport ...

Egg Statistics Notice

This release combines the UK egg packing station survey, the UK egg processor survey, the egg laying element of the UK hatcheries survey, together with other DEFRA statistics, Intrastat trade data...