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252 results found

Concentrations of plant growth promoting compounds in soils and hydroponics due to the interaction of plants and earthworms

Data comprise phytohormone concentrations (plant growth hormones: adenosine, zeatin, isopentenyladenosine, indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid) measured during plant growth experiments in soil...

Causes of ice age intensification across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. (NERC grant NE/P011381/1)

Late (0-250 ka) and middle (1050-1280 ka) Pleistocene boron isotope data from planktic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber) and oxygen isotopes data from benthic formainifera (Cibicidoides...

Neogene neodymium isotope data from the Philippine Sea (IODP Expedition 351) (NERC Grant NE/M017370/1)

We report sedimentary coatings and fish teeth neodymium isotope values – tracers for water-mass mixing – from deep-water International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1438 (4.7 km water depth)...

World Mineral Statistics Dataset

The Bath and North East Somerset Council has one of the largest databases in the world on the production and trade of minerals. The dataset contains annual production statistics by...

Dewaterability potential of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends using polymer dose approach

The dataset contains the chemical composition of anaerobic digestates derived from source-segregated food waste & agro-waste, with and without biomass ash, after the addition commercial polymer...

Diatom data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA after a wildfire event, 2021 to 2022

Periphyton data consists of diatom scrubs sampled in a range of riffle and pool habitats including diatom taxa counts (identified to genus level) and computed autotrophic index (ratio of the...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project data: Gas-liquid two-phase CO2 flow data from a vertical Coriolis meter and a DP transmitter

The data is collected in North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) on a 1-inch bore, gas-liquid two-phase, high pressure (up to 72bar), ambient temperature CO2 flow test rig from 19th May to...

Leaf trait data for Melia volkensii Guerke from Kenya 2018-2020

Leaf trait data for several provenances of Melia volkensii an endemic tree from Kenya planted at two experimental trials in Kibwezi and Kitui. 11 traits are included including those for leaf size...

Functional traits of woody plants sampled in permanent forest monitoring plots along altitudinal and forest perturbation gradients in the Colombian Andes, 2019-2022

[This dataset is embargoed until May 1, 2025]. The dataset contains information on six functional traits of woody plants, including Leaf Area, Specific Leaf Area (SLA), Leaf Dry Matter Content...

Modelled topographic change of the River Liang catchment, Philippines following Typhoon Mangkhut, 2018

The datasets contain maps of the total change in topography along the river Liang (Philippines) after the Typhoon Mangkhut event in September 2018. The maps have been generated using multi-phase...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Performance of Flow Meters with Dense Phase CO2 and CCS Recovery Streams, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Performance of Flow Meters with Dense Phase CO2 and CCS Recovery Streams was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant...

BGS Geology - 50k (DiGMapGB-50) version 8

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names. The scale of the data is 1:50 000 scale. Onshore coverage is provided for all of England, Wales, Scotland and...

Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 50k (DiGMapGB-50) version 7

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names. The scale of the data is 1:50 000 scale. Onshore coverage is provided for all of England, Wales, Scotland and...

Radiocarbon dates of sediment slices from the MexiDrill core of Lake Chalco, Mexico (40-0 kcal BP) (NERC Grant NE/S009035/1)

The MexiDrill core was dated using a range of methods, including radiocarbon. Samples of sediment were pretreated (acid-only) at the 14CHRONO Centre according to established protocol, and measured...

14C, 33P and 15N isotope tracing data showing carbon for nutrient exchanges between Lycopodiella, Anthoceros, Phaeoceros, Lunularia and their Mucoromycotina fine root endophyte fungal symbionts

Isotope tracing data for 14C, 15N and 33P tracing between plants and symbiotic fungi in Lycopdiella inundata, Anthoceros and Phaeoceros sp. and Lunularia cruciata. All plants tested and traced in...

Palynofacies, microcharcoal, clay mineralogical and carbon isotope mass spectrometry measurements from the Late Pliensbachian (934 – 918 mbs) of the Mochras core, Cardigan Bay Basin, NW Wales, UK (NERC Grant NE/L501669/1)

Palynofacies, microcharcoal, clay mineralogical and carbon isotope mass spectrometry measurements from the Late Pliensbachian (934 – 918 mbs) of the Mochras core, Cardigan Bay Basin, NW Wales, UK....

Neodymium and Strontium isotope compositions of Miocene to recent sediments collected at Site U1521 during International Ocean Discovery Programme (IODP) Expedition 374 to the Ross Sea, Antarctica. (NERC Grant NE/R018219/1)

This dataset comprises neodymium (Nd) and strontium (Sr) isotope compositions measured on 72 sediment samples, from IODP Expedition 374 Site U1521 to the Ross Sea. These were collected on the RV...

Data associated with journal article 'Modelling of H2 production in a packed bed rector via sorption enhanced steam methane reforming process'. S Z Abbas, V Dupont, T Mahmud (2017).

Data derived from UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. The journal article can be found at The sorption enhanced steam reforming (SE-SMR) of methane over...

L chondrite meteorite phosphate microscopy and U-Pb analyses (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

Microscopy (Scanning Electron Microscopy, Cathodoluminescence Imaging) and U-Pb isotopic (Secondary Ionisation Mass Spectrometry) analyses of phosphate minerals in a suite of nine L chondrite...

Radiocarbon dating of soil organic matter fractions along grassland-to-forest conversion chronosequences across Scotland

The dataset contains the radiocarbon age of soil organic matter fractions collected along grassland-to-forest conversion chronosequences across Scotland. Soil samples were collected in summer 2018....