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Water Framework Directive 2nd Cycle Interim Status

This file contains the 2018 overall surface water body status, reported to Europe as a 2nd Cycle  interim classification for Water Framework Directive in 2018. It contains the following surface...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwaterbodies Cycle 2

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwaterbodies Cycle 2 (2014-2019) is a spatial (polygon) dataset which has been created for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)....

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Canals Cycle 2

This dataset is a GIS layer identifying the canal waterbodies managed under the Water Framework Directive and any related programmes. This includes canals which are reported to Europe as...

Water Framework Directive Protected Area - Shellfish Waters

EU Shellfish Waters Directive (2006) was repealed in 2013 and all responsibility for legislative protection of shellfish waters was subsumed into the Water Framework Directive. All legislative...

Water Framework Directive 2nd Cycle Interim Status

This file contains the 2018 overall surface water body status, reported to Europe as a 2nd Cycle  interim classification for Water Framework Directive in 2018. It contains the following surface...

Call-off contract PH001/2013 ranked suppliers

Data set of ranked suppliers by lot for Plant Health framework contract 001/2103.

OS Mastermap Highways Network - Paths

OS MasterMap® Highways Network – Paths is the most accurate and authoritative path network dataset for Great Britain. It reveals who's responsible for all the footpaths through towns and...

Historical contracts / service orders

Contracts and service orders issued under call off agreements from Buying Solutions Frameworks.

Historical contracts / service orders

Contracts and service orders issued under call off agreements from Buying Solutions Frameworks.

OS Open Zoomstack

OS Open Zoomstack makes OS open data more accessible, customisable and easier to use. It provides a single, customisable map of Great Britain to be used at national and local levels. The data is...

Social Investment Fund market research 2011-12 Survey data on SIFI investment and beneficiaries

GHK survey data for CO on: a) SIFI investment (amounts invested, characteristics, returns, products) and b) on beneficiaries of social investment (who, how much finance, what types of finance).

Carbon and Peatland 2016 map - Wind Farm Spatial Framework

This is a simplified version of the Carbon and Peatland 2016 map for use in the development of windfarm spatial framework. It only shows the extent of areas within Class 1 and 2 of the...

Woody linear features framework, Great Britain v.1.0

A modelled dataset derived from a range of national datasets, describing the distribution of woody linear feature boundaries in Great Britain. The dataset presents linear features which have a high...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Management Catchments Cycle 1

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Management Catchments Cycle 1 is a spatial (polygon) dataset collated as defined for the implementation of the WFD) Management catchments are the unit of...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Lake Waterbodies Cycle 1

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Lake Waterbodies Cycle 1 (2008 -2013) is a polygon Shapefile dataset containing Water Framework Directive (WFD) attributes that have been collated as defined...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Coastal Waterbodies Cycle 1

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Coastal Waterbodies is a polygon Shapefile dataset containing attributes that have been collated as defined for the implementation of the WFD. Article 2,...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Transitional Waterbodies Cycle 1

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Transitional (Estuarine) Waterbodies Cycle 1 (2008-2013) is a polygon dataset containing attributes that have been collated as defined for the implementation...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater bodies Cycle 1

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater bodies Cycle 1 is a spatial (polygon) dataset containing attributes that have been collated as defined for the implementation of the Water...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) River Waterbodies Cycle 2

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) River Waterbodies Cycle 2 are a spatial (polygon) dataset collated as defined for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. 'WFD River...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Risk Assessments for Cycle 2

This dataset contains risk assessment data produced to support the cycle 2 river basin management plans. It contains - Lake water bodies - River water bodies - Transitional water...