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Additional Affordable Dwellings

Additional affordable dwellings by local authority district, England 1991-92 to 2016-17 This dataset describes the additions to the stock of affordable housing from the period 1991-92 to 2016-17,...


On 6 April 2014, the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act (ERR) 2013 introduced a number of changes to the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, including the introduction of...

Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England), Quarterly Datasets

Since 2009, care homes and hospitals have had to seek authorisation from their Local Authority if they need to deprive an individual who lacks capacity of their liberty as part of their care and/or...

Wild Bird General Licence Protected Sites Condition Zone (England)

Special Protection Areas where condition 5 on General Licences GL40, GL41, GL42 applies. In these areas, licence users may carry out general licence activity provided that they do not disturb the...

Statements of SEN and EHC plans: England 2015

Statistics and analysis on statements of special educational needs (SEN) and education, health and care (EHC) plans in England. This statistical first release from the Department of Education...

Brownfield Land Register South Cambridgeshire District Council 2018

The Government intends to introduce a new requirement for local planning authorities to compile a Brownfield Register. This will list all the brownfield sites considered suitable for housing...

Brownfield Land Register South Cambridgeshire District Council

The Government has introduced a requirement for local planning authorities to compile a Brownfield Land Register. This lists all the brownfield sites considered suitable for housing development....

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are areas of architectural or historic interest. They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on...

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are areas of architectural or historic interest. They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on...

Conservation Area

Conservation Areas are areas of architectural or historic interest. They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on...

Conservation Areas

"Conservation Areas are areas of architectural or historic interest. They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on...

Travel to work area analysis in Great Britain

This article presents information and analysis on the 2011 travel to work areas (TTWAs) in England, Scotland and Wales and introduces a range of alternative travel to work areas.

Dedicated Woodlands

Description: The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III...

Wild Bird General Licence Exclusion Zone

Area in and adjacent to protected sites where action is not permitted under certain General Licences for wild birds. Relevant licences state whether this exclusion applies. In 2019, changes are...

Wild Bird General Licence Restriction Zone

Special Areas of Conservation where trapping is not permitted under certain General Licences for wild birds. Relevant licences state whether this exclusion applies. In 2019, changes are being...

Flood Warning Areas

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA054 Flood Warning Areas. These are geographical areas where we expect flooding to occur and where we provide a Flood Warning Service. They...

Disease Prevalence

Data has been collected annually since 2004/05. A new GMS Contract was introduced in April 2004 and a fundamental funding stream called the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) was introduced at...

Town Centre Pavement Washing Programme

Street-scene are introducing a programme of Town Centre pavement washing including chewing gum removal and litter bin washing. This is in addition to the regular street cleaning we carry out daily...

Impact indicator: neighbourhood plans

Number of areas designated by the relevant local authority for Neighbourhood Plans #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is a count of communities that have applied and been designated...

Waverley Brownfield Land Register 2021

This data set provides a comprehensive list of brownfield sites across the Waverley Borough Council administrative area that are considered to be suitable, available and achievable for housing-led...