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87 results found

Nirex Digital Geoscience Database (NDGD)

The Nirex Digital Geoscience Database (NDGD) holds extensive sets of data describing geoscientific, geographical, hydrogeological and logistical aspects of the Sellafield area in western Cumbria...

Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from different understory treatments in oil palm plantations in Riau, Indonesia 2018-2019

[This dataset is embargoed until December 1, 2021]. This dataset contains terrestrial fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ecosystem respiration (carbon dioxide (CO2)) calculated from...

Multiscale models for MCFC, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and CO2 compression

A Multiphysics model for a molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) developed in COMSOL. This is a multiphysics model for a MCFC. It has been built using COMSOL Multiphysics®. It enables the user to...

FireMAFS (Fire Modelling and Forecasting System)

FireMAFS was led by Prof Martin Wooster (Kings College, London) as part of QUEST Theme 3 (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System) project. This dataset collection contains the MODIS Land...

FireMAFS (Fire Modelling and Forecasting System)

FireMAFS was led by Prof Martin Wooster (Kings College, London) as part of QUEST Theme 3 (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System) project. This dataset collection contains the MODIS Land...

SGN gas network - Scotland

SGN create 4 separate data layers (by pressure tier) to depict the location of their gas network: LP - Low Pressure (19 mbar - 75 mbar) MP - Medium Pressure (75mbar - 2 bar) IP...

Habitat Impact Assessment (upland protected areas)

This dataset combines all available field data for upland habitat impact assessment (HIA) survey work commissioned by SNH between 2004 and 2018 using the methods described in (Macdonald et al...