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Habitat point records from 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey

The survey was carried out as an extension intensive surveys of the River Yare earlier in 1987. Also, public concern over the inadequacy of sewage disposal facilities in the Yarmouth area. At...

Habitat point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

Species point records from 1985 NCC Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween, in the Sound of Jura, south-west Scotland, has been selected as a proposed Marine Nature Reserve by the NCC. A considerable body of information exists on the sublittoral habitats of the...

Habitat point records from 1985 NCC Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween, in the Sound of Jura, south-west Scotland, has been selected as a proposed Marine Nature Reserve by the NCC. A considerable body of information exists on the sublittoral habitats of the...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes of Loch Maddy. Small area. Biotopes

The study ‘Trialing of AGDS and video sledge monitoring techniques in Loch Maddy’ is part of a larger project ‘Loch Maddy monitoring trials’ which itself contributes to Task 2.1 of the UK...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes of Loch Maddy. Lifeforms

The study ‘Trialing of AGDS and video sledge monitoring techniques in Loch Maddy’ is part of a larger project ‘Loch Maddy monitoring trials’ which itself contributes to Task 2.1 of the UK...

Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004)

Areas identified in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004 as having significant potential for increases in residential, employment and other uses through development of sites at...

National LIDAR Programme

The Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme provides accurate elevation data at 1m spatial resolution for all of England. In 2017 we divided the country into 302 survey blocks covering all of...

Opportunity Area Points (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004)

Areas identified in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004 as being London’s principal opportunities for accommodating large scale development to provide substantial numbers of...

Species point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

Priority River Habitat - Rivers

"One of the two datasets that make up the Priority River Habitat Map. Consists of rivers and streams that exhibit a high degree of naturalness. The naturalness classification used to map priority...

% of physically active and inactive adults - active adults

% of physically active and inactive adults - active adults. The provider of data for this indicator is Public Health England based on Active Lives (self-report survey) and Sport England. This...

Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consultation 2009)

Areas identified in the London Plan Consultation 2009 as having significant potential for increases in residential, employment and other uses through development of sites at higher densities with...

December Survey of Agriculture, UK

The December survey of Agriculture provides information and evidence on the condition of the agricultural industry in the UK. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...

Impact indicator: growth in business rates yield

Business rates yield growth within Enterprise Zones #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is calculated as the value of business rates relief plus the value of business rate yield minus...

Geochemical analysis of pyroclasts from Aluto, Ethiopia (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

Geochemical analysis of pyroclasts from Aluto, Ethiopia. Data are referenced in Clarke et al., 2019: Fluidal pyroclasts reveal the intensity of peralkaline rhyolite pumice cone eruptions;...

LIDAR Time Stamped Point Cloud

The LIDAR point cloud is an archive of hundreds of millions, or sometimes billions of highly accurate 3-dimensional x,y,z points and component attributes produced by the Environment Agency. The...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important Inshore Fishing Grounds around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important Inshore Fishing Grounds around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

December Survey of Agriculture, England

The December survey of Agriculture provides information and evidence on the condition of the agricultural industry in England. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...