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1,630 results found

Health and Safety Incidents

Health and Safety Incidents. Updated: monthly.

Health and Safety Incidents

Health and Safety Incidents. Updated: monthly.

Tax Repayments

Tax paid back. Updated: monthly.

Tenancy Deposit Scheme

Registers instances where short hold tenancy deposits have been paid to holding organisation

Post Accuracy

Accuracy measures for HMRC post. Updated: monthly.

IT Unavailability

The time that information systems are unavailable. Updated: monthly.


Formal complaints made to HMRC. Updated: monthly.

Large Business Strategy (LBS) Core System - Risk management system

LBS risk management system. Updated: monthly.

Post Accuracy

Accuracy measures for HMRC post. Updated: monthly.

IT Unavailability

The time that information systems are unavailable. Updated: monthly.

HMRC Risk and Intelligence Service / Local Compliance National Delivery Schedule

No. of cases required compared to the no. issued. Updated: monthly.

Staff Sickness Absence Reports

Details of rolling 12 months and monthly sickness absence.

Post Inventory

The amount of work on hand for defined items. Updated: monthly.

Invoices Prompt Payments

The proportion of invoices paid to agreed timescales. Updated: monthly.

Businesses Admin Burden

The cost to business of complying with HMRC requirements. Updated: monthly.

Budget and Actuals figures

HMRC expenditure versus the budgeted expenditure. Updated: monthly.

Asset Recovery data

Confiscation Orders and Cash Seizures/forfeitures. Updated: monthly.

Invoices Prompt Payments

The proportion of invoices paid to agreed timescales. Updated: monthly.

Gambling Accounting Centre data (GAC)

Betting, gaming and lottery duties returns. Updated: monthly.

Ancillary Costs Survey (ACS)

Stratified sample survey of Intrastat Traders. Updated: monthly.