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2,137 results found

Numbers of Taxpayers and Registered Traders

Provides historical annual information on the number of taxpayers and registered traders. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax receipts and taxpayers'. Source agency: HM...

Betting and Gaming Bulletin

Provides a full historic series of data detailing the amount of revenue collected from betting and gaming. In addition the bulletin provides information on duty rates with notes and commentary on...

Betting and Gaming Factsheet

The Betting and Gaming Factsheet provides information on betting and gaming duties and it contain historic series for the amount of duty collected, and the amount of betting and lottery stakes in...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses (Wales) - Chemistry

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA162.2 'Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Chemistry (Wales). The General Quality Assessment (GQA) Headline Indicator scheme or...

Historical Bathing Water Quality at Designated Beaches 1988 - 2014

This dataset is an archive of data relevant to the old Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC) and won't be updated now the directive is no longer in force. For the latest bathing water quality...

GB Counties - Past and Present

Explore the county boundaries of Great Britain throughout time with our counties map. These two datasets of county boundary information have been released as part of Boundary-Line through the...

Tax Credits: Net payments

Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal Tax Credits'. Source...

HM Revenue & Customs Receipts

Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax receipts and...

Child Benefit: Net Payments

Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Child Benefit...


Restriction includes turn restrictions, restriction for vehicles, and access restrictions. Turn restrictions are a restriction based upon a vehicle manoeuvre. This type of restriction includes...

Average and Indicative Speed

The Average and Indicative Speed feature type provides two sets of speed information for all roads in Great Britain. These are: A historic average speed in kilometres per hours (kph). In this...

Tobacco Duties Factsheet

The factsheet contains historic series of the amounts of goods cleared, the amount of duty collected and taxation on tobacco in the UK. The factsheet also provides information on tobacco duty...

HR information

Held on Snowdrop, with U-Access as the ‘front end’ self service end of the database, this is a database of staff who have been employed at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Includes...

Historic Landscape Characterisation - 1881

The Oxfordshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) Project commenced in October 2012, funded by Historic England and hosted by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). Due to a change in key...

Historic Landscape Characterisation - 1797

The Oxfordshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) Project commenced in October 2012, funded by Historic England and hosted by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). Due to a change in key...

Parks and gardens of historic interest

Historic Parks and Gardens

Local Plan 2004 (Historic)

This is an Historic dataset of the Hastings Local Plan 2004 planning constraints. The Hastings Local Plan 2004 has been superseded in its entirety by the Hastings Local Plan made up of The...

Conservation Area Historic Breakdown

This is a polygon dataset and shows a breakdown of Conservation Area additions, deletions and ammendments over time.

Historic Parks and Gardens - Local

Historic parks and gardens – Local – Unregistered gardens, parks, cemeteries and other local spaces that contribute to the regional or local environment and heritage. For more information please...

Historic Parks and Gardens - National

[Historic parks and gardens – National]( – Registered Historic Parks and...