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BEIS: gender pay gap information

Data on the difference in employees’ average earnings releases from April 2016 .

PAYE and Corporate Tax Receipts from the Banking Sector

PAYE and corporation tax receipts from the banking sector Pay-As-You-Earn (income tax and national insurance contributions). Previously listed under 'PAYE and corporation tax receipts from the...

Personal Incomes from tax records

Income earned and tax paid by economic activity. Breakdowns provided for those employed and self-employed. Source: HM Customs and Revenue Publisher: HM Customs and Revenue Geographies: Local...

UK Trade and Investment spend

The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, government departments...

Department for Work and Pensions Annual Report and Accounts

Report showing how DWP functions as a government department including business plan and reports to show how public money is spent

Income Tax Receipts

This publication contains income tax receipts broken down according to the way in which tax is collected (through Pay As You Earn, Self Assessment etc), income tax repayments and tax credit figures...

Median earnings of residents - Gross Weekly Pay (£) - Gender Pay Gap

Median earnings of residents - Gross Weekly Pay (£) - Gender Pay Gap

Senior Officials "high earners" salaries

List of senior civil servants and senior officials in departments, agencies and non-departmental public bodies earning £150,000 and above.

Defra Core Tables (resource and capital budget)

The aim of the published tables is to provide an explanation of what Defra spends money on. They provide an analysis of departmental expenditure between resource consumption and capital investment.

UKTI programme spend

The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, government departments...

Gross Annual Pay - Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is a UK wide survey that provides a wide range of information on earnings and hours worked.

Gross Hourly Pay - Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is a UK wide survey that provides a wide range of information on earnings and hours worked.

Gross Weekly Pay - Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is a UK wide survey that provides a wide range of information on earnings and hours worked.

ONS VML Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)

Provides information about levels, distribution and make-up of earnings and hours worked for employees in all industries/occupations.

Defra gender pay gap 2013

Summary of the difference between the average salary of women and men in Defra. The difference is expressed as a percentage of the average male earnings and calculated for each grade and for all...

Release of School Level Expenditure data (Consistent Financial Reporting) 2009-10

As part of the Department's aim to make more of its statistics available we will be publishing schools' expenditure for 2009-10 from the Consistent Financial Reporting exercise. This is in support...

Spend over £25,000 in HM Treasury

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by HM Treasury, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. The final column contains a...

Spend over £500 in the Wales Office

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Wales Office, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. The final column contains a...

Spend over £25,000 by Partnerships for Schools

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Spend over £25,000 by General Teaching Council for England

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arms Length Bodies (ALBs)...