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Mine CounterMeasures2 (Portsmouth Squadron) Officers contact List for issue to visitors or Press as required.

Government Actuary's Department spend over £25,000

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by GAD, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Special Advisers working in the UK Government

A list of all Special Advisers working in the UK Government, including appointing minister, salary band, and salary where it is over the SCS1 minimum (£58,200 as of 9 June 2010).

Central government websites 2011/12

The 2011/12 report covers websites run by ministerial and non‑ministerial government departments as well as their executive agencies, non‑departmental public bodies and other arm’s‑length public...

Central government workforce initial release

An initial estimate of the numbers of consultants, contractors and agency staff working in central Government departments, their agencies and NDPBs. This is the result of a Cabinet Office scoping...

Contact list of government non-executives

A contact list of all government non-executives and their PA's

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Sustainability Report

This Report gives details of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office's Annual Sustainability information.

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report

This data relates to FCO Annual Report accounts.

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in the Department for Communities and Local Government

This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in DCLG since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend above £1m; Advertising &...

State and Guest of Government Visits to the UK

Database of Inward State Visits and Guest of Government visits to the UK. This dataset gives details of the principals who were invited to the UK as guests of HM The Queen (State visits) or Guest...

Cabinet Office 70 Whitehall energy use

Cabinet Office head office energy use updated from on-site meters showing use, cost and carbon impact. You can access the real time website via...

Home Office senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Home Office Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking...

Home Office record retention and disposal standards

This document sets out the Home Office standards for retention and disposal of records. It is for use by the Home Office, and the standards apply to all media of records, including but not...

Cabinet Office Senior Officials Travel Report

This report shows international travel and accommodation used by Cabinet Office senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central...

Major Projects Portfolio data for Cabinet Office

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Home Office Board members' external meetings

External meetings attended by members of the Home Office board

Special Advisers' gifts and hospitality in Wales Office

Lists the Special Advisers gifts received and hospitality received in the Wales Office.

User guide to Home Office crime statistics

The User Guide to Home Office Crime Statistics is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes regarding the issues and classifications which are key to the production and...

meetings with external organisations by ministers in the Scotland Office

Meetings with external organisations by Ministers in the Scotland Office The Ministers in this set are Danny Alexander, David Mundell and Michael Moore

Special Advisers' gifts and hospitality in Home Office

Lists the Special Advisers gifts (both received and given) and hospitality received in Home Office