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Northern Ireland Care Leavers Aged 19

Formerly Former Care Leavers. This statistical bulletin presents information on care leavers who had been in the care of Northern Ireland Health and Social Services Trusts three years previously...

Children's Social Care Statistics in Northern Ireland

This bulletin presents first release summary statistics on children's social care in Northern Ireland for year ending 31 March. Where data are available, each section will provide information on...

Statistics on Community Care for Adults in Northern Ireland

The report presents information on activity for all Programmes of Care gathered from HSC Trusts including comparisons over the past 5 years for the main activities. All information included in this...

Domiciliary Care Services for Adults, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents information on the number of clients receiving domiciliary care services from the statutory and independent sectors during a survey week. It provides information...

NI 133 - Timeliness of social care packages

Acceptable waiting times for delivery of care packages following assessment: For new clients aged 65+, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of services in the...

NI 132 - Timeliness of social care assessment

Acceptable waiting times for assessments: For new clients, the percentage from where the time from first contact to completion of assessment is less than or equal to four weeks. Source: Referrals,...

NI 147 - Care leavers in suitable accommodation

Former care leavers who are in suitable accommodation. Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status . Suitable...

NI 133 - Timeliness of social care packages

Acceptable waiting times for delivery of care packages following assessment: For new clients aged 65+, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of services in the...

NI 132 - Timeliness of social care assessment

Acceptable waiting times for assessments: For new clients, the percentage from where the time from first contact to completion of assessment is less than or equal to four weeks.

Children in Care: Pupil Absence, exclusions and SEN

Numbers of children looked after for at least twelve months, and general information about their education, including whether they have Special Educational Needs (SEN) whether have been absent for...

Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)

Skills for Care's Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) is recognised as the leading source of high quality data and workforce intelligence for adult social care. The ASC-WDS collects...

NHS dental statistics

Units of Dental Activity (UDAs) performed by treatment band in England Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) Geographies: Primary Care Trust (PCT), Strategic...

NI 124 People with a long-term condition supported to be independent and in control of their condition

The percentage of people with a long-term condition who are 'supported by people providing health and social care services to be independent and in control of their condition'. Source: Department...

Ambulance Quality Indicators System Indicators

Information on the quality of care delivered by ambulance services, including the response times of ambulance crews, and the re-contact and call abandonment rates of patients Source agency:...

Care homes

Full details on all care homes.

Care Homes

Care homes including, name, number of rooms by type (nursing, nursing EMI, residential, residential EMI) address and location.  For more information about Care Homes see:...

Transfers of care

This data is taken from LG Inform ( Data Ref ID 27). It shows the delayed transfers of care, average weekly rate in Plymouth Delayed transfers of care, average...

Care Homes

This dataset contains the locations of Care Homes and Care Homes with Nursing Provision within the Metropolitan District of Bradford. The latitude/longitude location fields are indicative only,...

Children in Care

The number of Children In Care at 31 March in the financial year, for Lincolnshire and by District. This dataset shows the number of: - Children In Need - Children In Care by Home...

Dental Commissioning Monitoring

Information about the Units of Dental Activity (UDAs) commissioned by Primary Care Trusts, split between those that are delivering services and those that are not yet delivering Source agency:...