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Business expenses of Cabinet Office senior officials including hospitality

The Cabinet Office publishes, on a quarterly basis, details of expenses and hospitality incurred by their most senior officials.

DFID senior executives business expenses, gifts, travel and meetings

Information about DFID's senior executives business expenses, gifts received, travel and meetings with external organisations. The information and data is published quarterly.

Maintenance Line

A feature which has a line / curve geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is...

Maintenance Area

A feature which has a closed (area) geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is...

Survey of Salmonella, E. coli and AMR in frozen poultry products

The dataset contains the microbiological results for all the samples in project FS430667. This survey covers results of samples of Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and antimicrobial...

Hygiene Inspections and Populations at Egg Production Sites in England and Wales

The Animal and Plant Health Agency carry out egg hygiene inspections on behalf of the Food Standards Agency to ensure compliance with hygiene and safety regulations at hen egg producing...

Members expenses 2019 - 2022

Elected Members, including the City Mayor, are paid an annual allowance in exchange for the time and expenses they incur on council business.This dataset contains details of expenses paid following...

Wiltshire Council - Salaries and expenses

This dataset contains details of salaries and expenses for Wiltshire Council senior staff. Data published monthly.

Councillor travel and accommodation expenses

Dataset showing all councillor travel expenses booked via the council's current travel contract (Click Travel). The information shows date of travel, councillor, type of travel and cost. Please...

Countryside Volunteers' Expenses Claims

Expenses claims made by Countryside Volunteers including, date, number and amount paid.

Highway Maintainable at Public Expense

Highway Maintainable at Public Expense forms part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense •...

Food Chain Total Factor Productivity

Secondary analysis to calculate productivity of the food chain using already published National Statistcs. Current price estimates of turnover, purchases and labour are deflated using price...

Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) infonet

database comprised of Sustainable Consumption and Production subject relevant web items which are hosted on organisational websites and databases.

Peat usage in growing media production

Data on the volume and composition of growing media supplied to the UK amateur and professional use horticultural markets. It contributes to the monitoring of progress of the ambition set out in...

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Directors and Members' Expenses

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Directors and Members' expenses are published on a quarterly basis in a cumulative annual file.

DFID non-executive directors: business expenses, gifts, travel and meetings

Information about DFID's non-executive directors business expenses, gifts and travel . The information and data is published quarterly.

DH Senior Officials Business Expenses - International Travel 2013-14

This data is for DH senior officials at Senior Civil Servants level 2 (SCS2), director level, or equivalent grades. It includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

Publication of senior officials' business expenses, hospitality and meetings with external organisations

In June 2009, the Cabinet Secretary announced that business expenses incurred by the most senior civil servants on official duty would be published for the first time. The move reflected the...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality

Data on senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality, and the permanent secretary’s meetings with external organisations.

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...