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NI 174 - Skills gaps in the current workforce reported by employers

Skills gaps exist where employers report having employees who are not fully proficient at their job. The source of the data is the National Employer Skills Survey (NESS) commissioned by the LSC,...

Gear trials to compare the catchability of a new rockhopper ground gear against the existing standard bobbin ground gear (B) used with the GOV trawl

To compare the catchability of a GOV trawl rigged with a new light rockhopper ground gear (E Rig) against the same net rigged with the bobbin ground gear rig (B Rig) used during IBTS North Sea...

Business growth, access to finance and performance outcomes in the recession

Data underlying the report of a study that assesses and quantifes the impacts of the financial crisis and subsequent global economic recession on the growth and performance of UK SME employers....

Statistical Series 1

Presents trade data on Defence export orders and payments made for services consumed by MOD establishments overseas. Industry tables provide data on the impact of MOD spending on equipment and...

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs)

This dataset has been converted from a download of geography data from the Office for National Statistics [Neighbourhood Statistics]( website. It...

Countryside Stewardship Woodland Sub Compartments

Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grant scheme. It will contribute around £900 million over six years to help farmers and...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Habitat Networks (Individual) (England)

The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and principles and to use the best available nationally consistent spatial data. The habitat network maps are developed around 4 distinct...

Habitat Networks (England) - Upland Hay Meadows

This is the record for Upland Hay Meadows which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...

Habitat Networks (England) - Upland Fens Flushes & Swamps

This is the record for Upland Fens Flushes & Swamps which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best...

Habitat Networks (England) - Lakes

This is the record for Lakes which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and principles and to...

Habitat Networks (England) - Reedbeds

This is the record for Reedbeds which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below) The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and principles and...

Habitat Networks (England) - Lowland Fen

This is the record for Lowland Fen which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and principles...

Habitat Networks (England) - Lowland Heathland

This is the record for Lowland Heathland which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...

Habitat Networks (England) - Traditional Orchards

This is the record for Traditional Orchards which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...

Habitat Networks (England) - Coastal Habitats Grouped

This is the record for Coastal Habitats Grouped which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...

Habitat Networks (England) - Upland Calcareous Grassland

This is the record for Upland Calcareous Grassland which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence...

Habitat Networks (England) - Ancient Semi Natural Woodland

This is the record for Ancient Semi Natural Woodland which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best...

Habitat Networks (England) - Blanket Bog

This is the record for Blanket Bogs which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and principles...

Habitat Networks (England) - Lowland Meadows

This is the record for Lowland Meadows which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...