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921 results found

EX46 Credibility Check data

Data from EX46 returns on establishing alcohol and tobacco traders activities and revenue liabilities. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08,...

EX46 Credibility Check data

Data from EX46 returns on establishing alcohol and tobacco traders activities and revenue liabilities. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08,...

ARTD Occ Med Injury Register

An anonomysed register of injuries sustained by recruits at ARTD establishments, returned on a monthly basis w/e from 05/08/10. This information will enable HQ ARTD to monitor injuries across...

NI 157c Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for other application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157b Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for minor application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157a Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for major application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

Woodland Grant Scheme 2 England

Description: The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provides incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission pays grants for establishing and...

NI 142 - Percentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living

Proportion of people who are supported to establish and maintain independent living.

National statistics review of tax credit statistics: results

Following the recent national statistics review of tax credit statistics a summary of responses have been published on the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website. There were almost 140...

Historic County

The Historic counties data shows the county boundaries based on records and mapping circa 1888, using the following acts as primary sources: Local Government (England and Wales) Act 1888 Local...

Intensified Official Controls

The Intensified Official Control (IOC) check system is intended to improve the safety of imported foods into GB. IOC checks are applied when import checks already undertaken show that legislation...

The Database of Teacher Records

The Database of Teacher Records is a byproduct of the administration of the Teachers' Pension Scheme. The provision of data to the scheme is a statutory requirement. It includes teachers and...

Government major projects portfolio data for DfT

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Performance Management

Process of liaison with DG's to establish Performance Review marking for staff across the department. Linked to diversity data including age, gender, disability, ethnicity.

Woodland Grant Scheme 3 England

The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provided incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission paid grants for establishing and looking...

Forest condition survey (1987-2006)

The Forest Condition Survey has been carried out since 1984 and, in addition to providing comprehensive information on tree health in Britain, it contributes to an EU programme monitoring the...

Forest Reproductive Materials Sites Accesses GB

Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) is the generic name for the seeds, cones, cuttings and planting stock used in forest establishment. The 46 tree species and the genus Populus (including aspen,...

Rankings of trading estates as to water quality risks from runoff

Large catalog/data-sets of trading estate runoff giving a general picture of trading estate runoff and additional insight into the risk it poses. Summary statistics were calculated for the runoff...

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

NI 142 Percentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living

Proportion of people who are supported to establish and maintain independent living. Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic coverage:...