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South West England Ward Forester Project Areas

The Ward Forester project is jointly funded by Devon County Council (DCC) and the Forestry Commission (FC) and is designed as a pilot to meet the need to bring woodland into management, engaging...

Animal Welfare Enforcement Non-compliance

Enforcement action taken against serious or critical animal welfare non-compliances in England and Wales, covering instances occurring in slaughterhouses, but also those cases identified as...

NHS Payment by Results 2010-11 National Tariff Information

This dataset contains the mandatory admitted patient, outpatient attendance, outpatient procedure, accident and emergency (A&E) and Best Practice tariffs applicable in 2010-11. These prices,...

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) Emergency Download of Contact Details

Details personnel next-of-kin contacts in case of casualty incidents at a time the main personnel system is unavailable

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...

Information Management Awareness Raising Log

This log records the internal awareness raising activities carried out by the Information Management and Security team at the FSA. The data includes a brief description of the awareness raising...

Unplanned hospitalisation for chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions (NHSOF 2.3.i)

This indicator measures how many people with specific long-term conditions, which should not normally require hospitalisation, are admitted to hospital in an emergency. These conditions include,...

Phytophthora Lateralis Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid

Sites confirmed of having Phytothphora Lateralis present. Phytophthora lateralis is a pathogen which generally attacks and kills the roots of its host trees, although aerial infections of branches...

NHS 111 Dataset

Monthly statistics on access to, volume and quality of NHS 111 calls. It covers information on the price of the NHS 111 service, its impact on activity across the urgent and emergency care system....

OS Places API

Find UK addresses instantly online and be confident you're getting the most up-to-date information with our address API.  Perform accurate geocoding and reverse geocoding with our secure,...

NHS 111 pilot statistics

This publication includes monthly statistics on access to, volume and quality of NHS 111 calls. It covers information on the price of the NHS 111 service, its impact on activity across the urgent...

Daily Situation Reports

Fast track daily information on emergency pressures in the winter period (eg A&E diverts, beds closed due to norovirus, critical care capacity). Collected from acute NHS Trusts and NHS...

Hip fracture in over-65s

Emergency Hospital Admission for fracture neck of femur, directly age-standardised rate, 65 year and over Source: The Information Centre for health and social care (IC) Publisher: Association of...

NI 129 - End of life care - access to appropriate care enabling people to be able to choose to die at home.

The percentage of all deaths that occur at home.

NI 129 - End of life care - access to appropriate care enabling people to be able to choose to die at home.

The percentage of all deaths that occur at home.

NI 037 - Awareness of civil protection arrangements in the local area

The impact of local agencies arrangements for communicating/educating citizens regarding civil protection matters, by measuring how informed they feel, by organisations in their local area, about...

Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture Statistics

The Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture Statistics publication brings together statistics on agriculture which track progress on greenhouse gas (GHG) performance. The publication summarises...

Complications associated with diabetes (CCGOIS 2.8)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of complications associated with diabetes including emergency admissions for diabetic ketoacidosis and lower limb amputation, in people with...

NI 147 - Care leavers in suitable accommodation

Former care leavers who are in suitable accommodation. Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status . Suitable...

Hip fracture: incidence (CCGOIS 1.22)

Directly age and sex standardised emergency admission rate for hip fracture in those aged 60 years and over, per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated:...