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9,244 results found

Covid-19 - Test and Trace Support applications (days to process)

Identifies the number of working days taken to process applications.

% of payments processed within 30 days (including disputed invoices)

% of payments processed within 30 days (including disputed invoices) *This indicator has been discontinued

Processed bathymetry from Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea Area of Search and Solan Bank Area of Search

Processed bathymetry from Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea Area of Search and Solan Bank Area of Search (CEND 11/08). This survey, carried out on the Cefas Endeavour research vessel, used...

Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2018

This dataset contains prey items of common guillemot Uria aalge and razorbill Alca torda observed during the 2018 breeding season at East Caithness Special Protection Area (SPA), Buchan Ness to...

Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2017

This dataset contains prey items of common guillemot Uria aalge and razorbill Alca torda observed during the 2017 breeding season at East Caithness Special Protection Area, Buchan Ness to...

Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2019

This dataset contains prey items of common guillemot (Uria aalge) and razorbill (Alca torda) observed during the 2019 breeding season at East Caithness Special Protection Area (SPA), Buchan Ness to...

Nirex Magnetic Tape Archives - Processed Data

A significant part of this data collection is geophysical survey data in digital form being derived data created during the subsequent processing and interpretation of the field data described in...

Synthetic and experimental friction data processed with steadystate.m

This dataset contains raw data from synthetic and experimental velocity steps analyzed using the MATLAB routine ‘steadystate.m’, as presented by Giacomel, P., Faulkner, D.R., Lambert, V., Allen,...

Processed backscatter data from Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea Area of Search and Solan Bank Area of Search

Processed backscatter data from Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea Area of Search and Solan Bank Area of Search (CEND 11/08). This survey, carried out on the Cefas Endeavour research vessel,...

Processed sidecan mosaics from Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge cSAC, and Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton cSAC

Processed sidecan mosaics from Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge cSAC, and Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton cSAC (CEND 11/11). This survey, carried out on the Cefas Endeavour research...

Diet, timing of egg laying and breeding success data for Isle of May European shag population 1985-2015

Data on timing of breeding, breeding success and diet of the European shag, sampled from the Isle of May population. The data were collected between 1985 and 2015 by visually checking nests and...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Woodland Constraints

This dataset comprises a range of land cover types where the woodland potential layers have been masked, owing to existing woodland, watercourses, peat, roads, rail and urban areas. Other...

How BoundaryLine, ONS Boundaries and the NSPL and ONSPD are processed

This document 'How BoundaryLine, ONS Boundaries and the NSPL and ONSPD are processed' shows, in a flow diagram, the interaction between OS Boundary Line releases and updates to ONS boundary and...

Process performance indexed evaluation of ILs for CO2 capture.

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-199. Datasheet providing detailed stream information pertaining to an Ionic Liquids (IL)-based CCS process. This data arises from a process model developed at Imperial...

2016, HR Wallingford, Bawdsey Coastal Process Assessment

The Crown Estate commissioned HR Wallingford to help improve its knowledge of the complicated coastal processes at East Lane, Bawdsey and its immediate surroundings in order to help inform a...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Floodplain Reconnection Potential

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) Floodplain Reconnection Potential is our best estimate of locations where it may be possible to establish reconnection between a watercourse and its...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Riparian Woodland Potential

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) Riparian Woodland Potential is our best estimate of locations where tree planting may be possible on smaller floodplains close to flow pathways, and...

EU Waste Carriers Licences and Waste Processing Sites Permits

Collated information on waste carriers licences and waste processing sites permits in 14 EU Member States, provided as a zip archive of CSV files. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,...

How Boundary Line, ONS Boundaries and NSPL and ONSPD are processed

This document 'How BoundaryLine, ONS Boundaries and the NSPL and ONSPD are processed' shows, in a flow diagram, the interaction between OS Boundary Line releases and updates to ONS boundary and...

Processed SAR interferograms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Processed SAR interferograms for the Wells, Nevada earthquake. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in Geociences that...