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Gift aid

Provides annual information on amounts donated and tax repayments to charities on donations from individuals. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Charitable donations and tax...

Gifted and talented pupils

Number of high attaining gifted and talented pupils and % of gifted and talented cohort in Year 8 Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Hospitality and Gift Registers

Records of hospitality and gifts received by staff.

Gifts and Hospitality Register

FCO(S) - Register of All Gifts and Hospitality recieved and offered by FCOS staff

Performance Dashboard Applications for Certificates of Free Sale

This dashboard shows information about how the Applications for Certificates of Free Sale service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital...

Gifts and Hospitality register

Register of gifts and hosptality given and received by Ofcom Board, Content Board and Executive Committee members

Thurrock Free Parking

The data shows the spatial extent of free parking bays within Grays. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE


Detailed listing of all costs includes expenses, external agencies, and all other external costs for the Competition Commission.

Gift Aid Repayments to Charities

Provides annual information on Gift Aid repayments to charities, with counts of charities and total amounts of repayments of basic rate income tax. Previoulsy listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and...

Free Flow Vehicle Speeds Statistics

This publication gives speeds on free flowing road traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Free Flow Vehicle Speeds Statistics

Free nursery education

Number of free nursery education places taken up by three and four year olds Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Gift Aid Economic Research Data

Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

Gift Aid Economic Research Data

Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

Ministerial Gifts given 2009-10

A list of all ministerial gifts given over the value of £140 in 2009-10

Mayor's Office Gifts and Hospitality Register

Register of any gift or hospitality worth £25 or over received by Mayor's Office in connection with their official duties. This currently links to the existing pages on the GLA website where the...

Register of gifts and hospitality personnel

Register of gifts and hospitality provided to Board members and senior personnel

DoF Senior Civil Servants Gifts & Hospitality

The data held is that of gifts and hospitality offered to Senior Civil Servants within Department of Finance. The files show a full list of gifts and hospitality for each financial year and if...

Gifts and Hospitality Register

This dataset contains the register of gifts and hospitality received by staff of City of York Council. The dataset contains information from May 2022 onwards and will be updated every March and...

Gifts received by ministers in Defra

A quarterly-updated list of all gifts received by ministers and whether they were kept. Please note that subsequent data is now being published on GOV.UK and can be accessed using the link...

Free WiFi in York

Free WiFi access points in York - __May 2021 snapshot__. For further information about wi-fi in York - see the [City of York Council]( website. *Please note that...