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Website Statistics (Archived)

** Note: This dataset has been archived and is no longer being updated due to a change in analytics platform. You can find the new dataset relating to Website Statistics in the following link;...

Basic Company Data

Free Public Data Product **Note** The dates shown below relate to when the link has been added to The link references the latest data set as detailed below What is it? The Free...

UK Radon Website

UK Radon Website. Provides access to radon data from joint venture with British Geological Survey & radon risk reports

Spend in Companies House

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions made by Companies House, as part of the Government`s commitment to transparency in expenditure

NI Direct website data

Data relating to public internet visits to the NI Direct website (, the official government website for Northern Ireland citizens. Last updated: 6 April 2022.

Company Investigation Branch: Inspectors' Reports

Company Investigation Branch: Inspectors' Reports

Mergers & Acquisitions involving UK companies

This survey measures estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies (inward, outward and domestic) with values of £1.0 million or greater. Only...

Profitability of UK Companies

Net rate of return on capital employed for UK PNFCs’ related to their UK operations. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Open Central Government Websites

Number of and list of central government open websites. website statistics

Website analytics for between 2009 and 2013

Cambridgeshire County Council website usage

Website usage statistics for CCC corporate website

Companies with Breastfeeding Charter Mark

Data showing a list of locations of companies that are accredited with the Breastfeeding Charter Mark.

Sharp Website Registrations Data

Sharp Website allows for users to register their details for updates. Names, addresses and email addresses held.

Website visitor survey - 2013

external Survey on customer satisfaction regarding EA website Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2016. All rights reserved.

Companies Registered In Camden And Surrounding Boroughs

This datasets contains companies which have a registered address located in the London Boroughs of Camden, Barnet, Brent, City and County of the City of London, City of Westminster, Haringey and...

Crown Prosecution Service website data

This dataset includes data about the visits to - and cost of - the CPS website, There is also data about website survey respondents' experience of using the site.

Website analytics for

Daily analytics data on the number of visitors to the council website. Additional information For more information click the following...

UK companies that own property in England and Wales

HM Land Registry’s UK Companies data contains entries made in the Title Register for property in England and Wales owned by Companies incorporated in the UK. The data includes the following...

Cambridgeshire County Council website satisfaction

Cambridgeshire County Council website customer satisfaction between 2009 - 2012.

Overseas Companies that own property in England and Wales

HM Land Registry’s Overseas Companies data contains entries made in the Title Register for property owned in England and Wales by non-UK companies (companies incorporated outside of the UK). The...