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Assets of Community Value

Details of land and assets with Community Value.This dataset is updated on an annual basis

Community Infrastructure Levy

Wycombe District is split in to 2 CIL areas, which determine if a levy is chargeable for certain development

Assets of Community Value

The Community Right to Bid for Assets of Community Value allows voluntary and community organisations to nominate an asset which they consider has benefits for social well-being and social...

Community Directory Test

No description provided

Community Fund Tracking

This Dataset contains information relating to Community Fund Grants which are awarded and processed by the Leisure and Community Services Team.

Community Centres in Salford

Community centres in Salford that are managed by [Salford Community Leisure]( "Salford Community Leisure website") including name, location, website and...

Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new buildings in England and Wales. It is a mechanism to ensure certain types of new development contribute to the infrastructure needed to...

Assets of Community Value

The Council must introduce and administer a scheme which makes provision for local community groups to nominate buildings or land within the district to be included in a List of Assets of Community...

Community support organisations

A list of some of the community support organisations in Leeds.  We appreciate this is a fraction of what is actually going on so if you're not on here, please get in touch and we'll add...

Open Data Communities

OpenDataCommunities is the official UK Department for Communities and Local Government linked data platform. The platform provides a selection of official statistics and data outputs on a variety...

Assets of Community Value

The list includes all properties nominated if successful the asset will remain on the list for five years and a land charge will be registered against the property. Additionally Communities will be...

Allotments and Community Gardens

Opportunities for those people who wish to do so to grow their own produce as part of the long-term promotion of sustainability, health and social inclusion. May also include urban farms. This...

Community Toilet Scheme

showing location of all members of community toilet scheme (largely retail)

Assets of Community Value

This dataset contains a list of all applications, both successful and unsuccessful, for registration of assets of community value under the Community Right to Bid. The Community Right to Bid...

Community Councils 2013

Boundaries of Community Councils in Aberdeen up to October 2017.

Communication and Participation slides

Unequal impact of COVID-19: BAME disproportionality Addressing the disproportionate impact of the pandemic is a shared endeavour and we want our residents, particularly our Black, Asian, and...

Map of Community Views

Image: Snapshot from the Map of Community...

Assets of Community Value

This dataset contains a list of all applications, both successful and unsuccessful, for registration of assets of community value under the Community Right to Bid. The Community Right to Bid...

Assets of Community Value

Assets of Community Value polygon layer. This layer is relevant to City Plan 2036: Policy CV1: Protection of Existing Visitor, Arts and Cultural Facilities.An Asset of Community Value is defined...

Public Toilets - Community

The Community Toilet Scheme allows members of the public to use toilet facilities provided by businesses and other organisations.