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797 results found

Harrogate District Amenity Greenspace

Extent of open space comprising amenity land, including green corridors and verges, in Harrogate District as polygons.

Households lacking amenities

Households without basic amenities (central heating, sole use of bath shower or toilet) Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super...

Thurrock Civic Amenity Site

This dataset shows the location of the Civic Amenity Site in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Public & Other Open Space excluding Amenity

Public & Other Open Space excluding Amenity

Hackney Open Spaces excluding Amenities

Open Spaces in Hackney excluding the amenity category. This dataset was created by a contractor in June 2004 when the Hackney Open Space and Sports Assessment was conducted.


The sustainable environmental assessment defined where development within Basildon Borough met other developments. This layer isolated the known amenity sites for this period...

Bassetlaw District Council Amenity Green Space

The dataset was originally created for the Open Space Study. The Open Space, Play Pitch and Built Sports Provision studies have been carried out to ensure that the provision of parks, play areas,...


This report contains information about clinics in England. NHS Choices considers clinics as locations that provide predominantly outpatient services.

Tenure and amenities by household composition

Tenure and amenities by household composition. Census Area Statistics Table CAS056 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output...

Locality Reach Areas of Public Amenities

The public amenities reach areas covers a range of public facilities and which locality jurisdiction they fall into. Included are the postcodes in those reach areas. Please find the link to...

St Albans City and District Council Amenity Green Space

Amenity greenspace, including recreation areas, village greens and commons.

Clinical Senior Lectureship awards for clinical medicine and dentistry

The clinical senior lectureship awards for clinical medicine and dentistry were developed with UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC). They aimed to support trained clinical academics in...

SNOMED Clinical Terms

SNOMED Clinical Terms

Nurse-led clinics

Nurse led clinic data in the acute hospital sector of NHSScotland. Contains information on new and total attendances by NHS Board for acute and non-acute specialties. From September 2011 this...

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) Contains: Eccg.csv contains parent CCGs. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or previous...

Amenity Greenspace

Most commonly but not exclusively found in housing areas. Includes informal recreation green spaces and village greens. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the...

Amenity Greenspace

Historic dataset. Has not been accurately updated for approximately 5 years and the accuracy of the data cannot be verified.

Ambulance Quality Indicators Clinical Outcomes

Clinical outcomes from ambulance services. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Ambulance Clinical...

Ambulance Quality Indicators Clinical Outcomes

Clinical outcomes from ambulance services. Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Ambulance...

Clinical Commissioning Group Sites

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Sites Contains: Eccgsite.csv contains just CCG sites. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or...