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820 results found

HambletonDC Car Parks

Polygons representing extents of council owned public car parks across Hambleton. Contains information on number of bays and the charges. Released to comply with the INSPIRE directive For...

Bradford car parks

Resources from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) Parking service. 1. Car park locations a simple csv containing name and location including latitude /...

Car Parks Extents

Layer showing the location and extents of Broxtowe Borough Council owned car parks. It includes details on whether the car parks charge and links to further information

Designated car parks

Designated car parks are areas of land set aside for parking, within an established parking area. Designated car parks are for the exclusive use of tenants and leaseholders.

Car Parks

British Parking Association provides data on car parks that achieves its Park Mark Award. In the UK, a quarter of car parks have achieved the Park Mark Award. That's 5,000 of an estimated 17,000 -...

Airport Public Safety Zone

Aerodrome & Technical Site Safeguarding & Airport Public Safety Zone. Policy SDP19 in the Southampton Local Plan Review.

Health and Safety - Violence and Aggression

Records of all verbal abuse and/or physical violence reported are held by the corporate health and safety team. Any employee who perceives they have been verbally abused or been exposed to violence...

Health and Safety - Accident Information

Records of all accidents to employees or members of the public involving time off work or medical treatment are reported by phone, by a Calderdale manager, to the corporate health and safety team....

Water safety equipment locations

Spatial dataset of water safety equipment locations owned and maintained by Durham County Council. Dataset no longer updated.

Data on EU new car van sales purchased from POLK

Commercial data on EU new car and van sales

Guildford Town Car Parks

Locations of car parks within Guildford Town Centre.

Bradford MDC car parks

Resources from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) Parking service. 1, Car park locations a simple csv containing name and location including latitude / longitude 2,...

Car parking fee income

Car parking fee income from April 2011 to present. NB Car parking fee income figures do not reflect the monthly takings in car parks but cash collection and reconciliation.

LBC Car Park Maps

All car parks owned and managed by the London Borough of Croydon.

Council maintained car parks

Council maintained car parks in Southampton


A car club offers members the convenience of being able to use clean, modern and reliable vehicles for those trips you cannot do by using public transport, cycling or walking.

Hornchurch Car parking zone

Hornchurch Car parking zone

East Staffordshire Car Parks

A List of the car parks East Staffordshire Borough Council are responsible for.

Casual Car User Mileage

Data set showing the annual mileage claims submitted by Leeds City Council staff who are casual car users.

Essential Car User Mileage

Data set showing the annual mileage of Leeds City Council staff who receive an essential car user allowance.