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2,152 results found

Crime against business premises

Statistics on extent of crime against businesses in the wholesale & retail, accommodation & food, arts, entertainment & recreation, and agriculture, forestry & fishing sectors taken...

Home Office business plan

Sets out the information that will enable the public to assess the value for money and productivity of the services for which we are responsible, holding us more effectively to account. This...

Farm Business Survey (FBS)

Collection of information about English and Welsh farmers and growers to inform them, the agricultural and horticultural industries, government and the general public about the state of their...

Business continuity/emergency plans

Business Continuity/Emergency Plans - CD staff contact details. Name, out of hours contact telephone numbers.

Data on business critical IT systems

List of business critical IT systems owned by individual MUs

Data on business critical assets

List of Information & Business critical assets held within  individual MUs

Business Development Records

Records related to the development of Business Opportunities in fusion and related areas.


Info for and about businesses and workers in the borough

One Way Streets

One way streets in the City of Nottingham.

One Way Streets

one way streets

Council Street Furniture

Location of Street Furniture that Barrow Borough Council has responsibility for. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms...

Wolverhampton Street Lighting

Wolverhampton City Council Street Lighting

Allerdale Street Bins

Allerdale Street Bins expressed as point containing location and operational information on the size and emptying regimes.

Allerdale Gazetteer Streets

Allerdale Gazetteer Streets expressed as polylines. As a second tier authority the polyline is a representation of the street geometry to represent the route and not to type 3 geometry which...

Main Shopping Street

Main Shopping Street

Thurrock On Street Parking

The data shows the locations and extents of on street mixed use parking within Grays Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

Belfast Street Trees

Contains information about the trees located on Belfast streets. This includes the location, species, age, condition etc..

Street lights (unmetered)

This dataset provides a list of all street lighting apparatus in Leeds that is unmetered (e.g. without an electricty meter). This forms the vast majority of our apparatus. Further...

On-street parking fines

Data files that contain fines issued for unauthorised parked vehicles in on-street locations. The data contains date, time, location, fine issued, discount available, and total paid. Local...

Hackney Street Markets

Street Markets in Hackney. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in accordance with planning policies which we will use, together with the London plan, the core strategy and...