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103 results found

Aquaculture Disease Management Areas

Management Areas were established in the Final Report of the Joint Government/Industry Working Group on Infectious Salmon Anaemia in January 2000, based on tidal excursions around active farms....

Arable crop yield data for the Hillesden Experimental Platform, UK, collected between 2006 and 2011

This dataset contains yield data for wheat, oilseed rape and field beans grown in fields under different agri-environment practices. The fields were located at the Hillesden Estate in...

General Statistics on BSE Cases in Great Britain

Table showing the number of animal BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) cases, and the number of farms with BSE cases. The table also breaks down the type of farms where cases have been detected,...

HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...

NSTA and Lloyd's Register UKCS Merged Regional Geological Maps (ArcGIS version)

All data released with this set of geological maps is public domain data. The project has, however, benefited from a number of additional third-party data sources which have been used to help...

NSTA and Lloyd's Register West of Shetland and Rockall Regional Geological Maps (ArcGIS version)

As part of the NSTA’s published 2018/19 Activity Plan, the NSTA is publishing a set of regional geological maps for the West of Shetland and West of Hebrides. These maps represent the seventh set...

Leicester Household Survey 2021 results

The Leicester Household Survey is designed to capture information on the composition, characteristics, attitudes, and behaviour of private households and individuals to help shape council...

2007 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) broad-scale mapping and development of site condition monitoring protocols at five west coast of Scotland intertidal sites

Many of the notified marine features of SSSI lie outwith the current suite of marine SAC and have yet to be subject to marine condition monitoring assessments. The principal aim of this research...

Sediment data from IODP Expedition 363 (NERC grant NE/P016456/1)

Sediment % coarse fraction (>63 microns), and abundance of fish teeth in coarse fraction. 2016 has been a record breaking year in terms of global temperatures. The high temperatures have...

NSTA and Lloyd's Register East Irish Sea and Cardigan Bay Regional Geological Maps (ArcGIS version)

As part of the NSTA’s published 2018/19 Activity Plan, the NSTA is publishing a set of regional geological maps for the Cardigan Bay and East Irish Sea. These maps represent the eighth set of...

GLA Claimant Count Model Output

The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and...

GEOSTAT (December 2011) Boundaries UK BGE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for the GEOSTAT grid in the UK as at 31 December 2011, as produced and supplied by Eurostat. The file was created as part of a ‘Pan-European' grid...

GEOSTAT Grid (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for the GEOSTAT grid in the UK as at 31 December 2011, as produced and supplied by Eurostat. The file was created as part of a ‘Pan-European' grid...

GEOSTAT Grid (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for the GEOSTAT grid in the UK as at 31 December 2011, as produced and supplied by Eurostat. The file was created as part of a ‘Pan-European' grid...

GEOSTAT Grid (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for the GEOSTAT grid in the UK as at 31 December 2011, as produced and supplied by Eurostat. The file was created as part of a ‘Pan-European' grid...

Leading linear growth rates for steady uniform morphodynamic overland flows at different Froude numbers and grain diameters (NERC Grant NE/S00274X/1)

Shallow overland flows in steady state can become unstable and break up into destructive surges. The following data documents maximum growth rates for disturbances to uniform steady flows on a...

Phase 2 Lowland Peatland Survey of Wales

This dataset is part of the Phase 2 Habitats surveys conducted across Wales. It consists of a detailed survey of plant communities in lowland peatland vegetation. The survey work was split...

Isotope analysis data from NERC grant "The Processes that Shape the Continental Record" NERC grant NE/J021822/1

Isotope analysis data. Project details: The continental crust is our only archive of Earth history; not just of the crust itself but of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, and of the deep...

Semiochemical experiment data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop systems

The semiochemical experiment data were collected from novel laboratory, semi-field- and field-scale bioassay experiments taking behavioural observations and counts of pest insects and their natural...

Conservation biological control experiments data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop

This set of conservation biological control experiments data was collected as part of five field experiments investigating agricultural biological control techniques, particularly the effect of...