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EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Central Government Property and Land including Welsh Ministers estate.

NB Since June 2016, this quarterly series of extracts of the database is discontinued and is superseded by daily extracts found at: Data files from...

Land Use Change Statistics (LUCS) 2013-14 Onwards

Statistics relating to changes in land use, including development on previously developed land, land changing to residential use, development on Green Belt, density of development, flood risk...

Proportion of new dwellings on previously developed land, by local authority

Proportion of new dwellings on previously-developed land. Previously-developed land, often called brownfield land, is land that was developed but is now vacant or derelict, and land currently in...

National Forest Estate Third Party Access England 2016

This dataset contains records of agreed third party access on the National Forest Estate. Most will be on main forest roads to access non forest land or property. Attribution statement: Contains OS...


This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions in England. Legal boundary relates to the estate extent held in ForesterWeb, that...


Buildings that consist of multiple adjoining building parts.  When contained in a Land Use Site, adjoining building parts will be represented by a single feature. The latest data schema version...

OS MasterMap Topography Layer

OS MasterMap Topography Layer is the most detailed and accurate view of Great Britain's landscape. It includes features representing the manmade and natural environment, including: roads, tracks...

Personal Wealth

This publication contains information about Identified Personal Wealth in the UK, i.e. wealth based on the assets (including land and buildings, cash, bank and building society accounts and...

Forestry England Ownership 2024

This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions in England. Ownership relates estates acquisitions held in ForesterWeb, that is...

National Forest Estate Subcompartments England 2019

All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

Dedication Woodland Grant Scheme England

The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced...

Government land and property disposals data 2015 to 2016 and 2016 to 2017

Sales of government assets Details of all commercial sales of Central Government surplus land over the 2015 to 2016 and 2016 to 2017 financial years.

Proportion of '5 year land supply' identified, by local planning authority

Proportion of '5 year land supply' identified, by local planning authority. This indicator summarises each Local Planning Authorities' reported assessment of the '5 year housing requirements' that...

Serious pollution incidents affecting water, air and land 2002 to 2010

Serious pollution incidents affecting water, air and land 2002 to 2010

Central Government, Welsh Ministers and Local Government including Property and Land

Data files from e-PIMS, Government's Property and Land asset database containing details of location, tenure and other key attributes for each asset. It includes details about the buildings, any...

HSE Land Use Planning Data

HSE’s consultation zones have been developed to assist HSE in its role as a statutory consultee for planning applications around major hazard sites and major accident hazard pipelines. HSE use the...

Mortality from land transport accidents

Deaths from land transport accidents. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and...

Homes England Land Hub Sites

Sites available for development or disposal by Homes England.

Provisional Agricultural Land Classification (ALC)

Provisional Agricultural Land Classification Grade. Agricultural land classified into five grades. Grade one is best quality and grade five is poorest quality. A number of consistent criteria used...