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Transport Statistics Greater Manchester Key Centres Section

This report presents results of HFAS’s (Transport for Greater Manchester Highways Forecasting and Analytical Services formerly known as GMTU) key centre monitoring during the financial year. It...

Vacant and Derelict Land - Dundee

The Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey (SVDLS) is a survey undertaken to establish the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Scotland. The survey has been operating since 1988 and...

Plynlimon research catchment high-frequency hydrochemistry data

This dataset includes rainfall, river and stream hydro-chemistry data from the River Hafren (Severn). The dataset represents high-frequency (7 hourly) monitoring of stream hydrochemistry at both...

Uranium in stream sediment

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

Acidity of stream water

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

Marine Seabed Sediment Geochemical Data from around the UK (1975-1990)

The concentrations of up to 30 trace elements in approximately 9,000 sea-bed samples from the UK Continental Shelf were determined by BGS using a variety of analytical techniques. In some cases...

Soil gas sampling and analysis method test results

The dataset contains details of field collection of test soil gas samples with use of Supel Inert Foil gas sampling bags and the results of methane and ethane measurements performed in order to...

Farm Census

Information is compiled from the Agricultural and Horticultural Census. This is an annual survey, conducted by the Statistics and Analytical Services Branch, DAERA. Information is on Number of...

Bulk elemental and stable isotope composition of organic matter from terrestrial, intertidal, and marine environments, UK, 2016-2021

Bulk elemental (carbon and nitrogen) and stable isotope (delta 13C and delta 15N) data produced from 491 samples collected between 2016-2021 from terrestrial (soil, peat, living biomass, dead...

Flame retardants in the livers of the Eurasian otter collected from Scotland between 2013 and 2015 (PBMS)

Data comprise concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) determined using Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) in the liver tissue of a small sample of Eurasian otters (Lutra...

Arsenic in soil

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

Copper in Stream Sediment.

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

Fluoride in Stream Water

THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN **This dataset was created for the "Britain beneath our feet" atlas using information extracted from the Geochemical Baseline Survey Of The Environment (G-BASE) For...

Concentrations of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) in Eurasian sparrowhawk livers, 1995-2015 for Great Britain

Data comprise concentrations of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) in Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) livers found dead in Great Britain between 1995 and 2015. The liver...

The Pantheon database: habitat related traits, conservation status and taxa associations for invertebrates in England

The Pantheon database contains habitat-related traits, feeding guilds, conservation status (including rarity and threat status), legal protection data and associations with other taxa for just over...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS)

SCCS is the largest Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) research group in the UK. Our internationally renowned researchers provide connected strength across the full CCS chain. With our unique...

Bulk carbonate stable isotope compositions and foraminifera-based results and relative age model of DSDP Site 401 (NERC grant NE/H017518/1)

Geochemical and isotopic data presented here cover the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (~56 Ma ago) and were produced to assess the degree of carbon cycle perturbations, ocean acidification and...

Ion probe Si and O zircon data (and standard characterisation) (NERC grant NE/R002134/1)

Provided here are in-situ Si and O isotope compositions of Detrital Jack Hills and Lachlan Fold Belt zircons. These data formed the basis of the research published as: Origin and significance of Si...

Plynlimon research catchment hydrochemistry

This dataset includes rainfall, cloud, river and stream hydro-chemistry of the Plynlimon research catchments. The data is from weekly monitoring of stream hydrochemistry of the River Hafren...

UK lowland river chemistry

Chemical analysis of stream, river and rainfall samples for lowland rivers in the UK. The data are uncensored and provide a basis for research purposes, and must be viewed in this light....