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All Spend Over £5k

Details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5000 for Scarborough Borough Council. This...

Leeds schools all information

**This page is no longer updated. Please visit the** [**Primary**]( **or**...

Library loans (all media)

This dataset concerns loans made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The 2000/01 and 2001/02 figures relate only to the number of books issued....

Salt Bin - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ salt bin incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from November 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset excludes...

Road and Pavement - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ road and pavement incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from November 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset...

Sign Problems - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ sign incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from January 2021 onwards. Please note the dataset excludes...

Street Lighting - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ street lighting incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from March 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset...

Street Furniture - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ street furniture incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from December 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset...

Street Cleaning - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ street cleaning incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from February 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset...

All Confirmed Orders Chester

Details of all on-street waiting restrictions in the Chester area that are included in traffic regulation orders

Deaths from All Causes

This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75), numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. All-Cause Mortality rates are a summary indicator of population health status. All-cause...

Private rents (Average) - All (£)

Private rents (Average) - All (£)

Books Borrowed - All Libraries

Books Borrowed - All Libraries

Library Visits - All Libraries

Library Visits - All Libraries

Deaths from All Cancers

This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from all Cancers, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Cancers are a major cause of premature deaths. Inequalities exist in...

Workless Households % of all Households

Workless Households % of all Households

Disclosure and Barring Service: performance of all police forces

Performance data response rate for the Disclosure & Barring Service checks for all police forces from April 2006.

At sea densities of Mediterranean gull during all seasons

Krigged density surfaces for Mediterranean gull, over the whole year. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Tide times

Details of forthcoming high and low tide times for Weston-super-Mare

Median loan to value ratio for first time buyers

This dataset contains quarterly median loan to value ratios for first time buyers in England. This dataset contains quarterly median loan to value ratios for first time buyers in England. The...