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476 results found

Annual Population Survey - People from non-white ethnic groups who are economically inactive

Economic Inactivity rate of people from non-white ethnic groups Source: Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary Authority,...

2003-2009, North East Cetacean Project, Location of White beaked dolphin critical habitat

White-beaked dolphin critical habitat and areas of interest around the UK. See Clark, Dolman and Hoyt (2010) Towards Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans in Scotland, England and...

2003-2009, North East Cetacean Project, Location of White beaked dolphin critical habitat

White-beaked dolphin critical habitat and areas of interest around the UK. See Clark, Dolman and Hoyt (2010) Towards Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans in Scotland, England and...

Species Distribution - Spawning grounds of whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in the North Sea (Gonzalez-Irusta and Wright 2017)

The spawning grounds of whiting (Merlangius merlangus) layer has been generated to identify the likely distribution of whiting spawning in the North Sea, taking account of certain environmental...

Annual Population Survey - Working age employment rate of people from non-white ethnic groups

Employment rate of people from non-white ethnic groups Source: Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary Authority, Government...

Chemical contaminants in White-tailed sea eagle eggs - Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS)

Data from analyses of addled and deserted sea eagle eggs collected by licensed collectors in Scotland. Contaminants reported include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides or...

Reduce Whiting By-Catch in the SW Trawl Squid & Cuttlefish Fishery 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Ten days of sea trials comprising 21 tows were successfully completed on board the commercial fishing vessel *‘Sue Ellen’* (BM211) in Lyme Bay in January 2017 allowing comparison of the catches...

DECC: Reports from Peterhead and White Rose UK Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Projects

The UK government is committed to sharing the knowledge from the UK CCS projects. Under the 2013/2014 Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) contracts, the Peterhead (Goldeneye) and White Rose CCS...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2007/1; White Ribbon Survey in Montrose Basin (20/01/2007 - 25/01/2007)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in January 2007 in the white ribbon area of the Montrose Basin on board the Kommander Iona. The purpose was...

Habitat point records from 1994 SOAFD Whiteness Voe (Shetland) sublittoral sediment survey

Sublittoral grab survey with limited granulometric data. Spreadsheets only supplied.

Species point records from 1994 SOAFD Whiteness Voe (Shetland) sublittoral sediment survey

Sublittoral grab survey with limited granulometric data. Spreadsheets only supplied.

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2011, BG Group, White Bear, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2399

An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P1722 in April 2011. The block numbers traversed were 22/3b and 22/4b.

2010, BG Group, White Bear, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2272

An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P1722 in August 2010. The block number traversed was 22/4b.

NI 044a - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals - White

This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

2022, Total E&P UK Ltd, White Caterthun DHSS, Block 22/25, Drilling Hazard Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1438

An oil and gas industry integrated geophysical drilliing hazard site survey acquired under licences P2544, P111 between September and October 2022. The block number traversed was 20/25.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2018 to 2019

Funding of voluntary and community organisations (in excess of £250) - Community Grants 2018/19 Notes: All grants awarded in respect of 2018/19 financial year (i.e. 1 April 2018 - 31...

Workforce slides

Unequal impact of COVID-19: BAME disproportionality This presentation includes data from our Human Resources which shows the diversity of staff members by ethnicity and the level of their role. It...

Clinical Commissioning Groups to STP (April 2018) Lookup in EN (V2)

A lookup file between clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and sustainability and transformation partnerships (STP) in England as at 1 April 2018. (File size - 64KB)   This file includes the newly...

ONS UPRN Directory (March 2022) User Guide

This User Guide contains information about the ONSUD including: directory content; data currency; the methodology for assigning areas to postcodes; data formats; data quality and limitations and...