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Council building information

A dataset providing information about local council services in Leeds. Leeds City Council uses this information to populate the Knowledge Panels on the Google search website.  The dataset includes...

OpenDataNI Website Statistics Data

OpenDataNI website usage data, collated via Google Analytics, for the period from the site's launch on 26th November 2015 onward.

Allerdale Gazetteer Streetview LLPG

Allerdale Local Land Property Gazetteer expression of address information specifically with Google Streetview definition as a hyperlink to enable viewing of a specific property. Address and links... usage statistics

Usage data for Gives an impression of the quality and quantity of usage, the browsers used and which pages had the most interest. Data from Google Analytics. Updated daily.

Trees in Leeds city centre

Spatial dataset representing all the existing tree canopies within the city centre of Leeds as defined CC2 boundary (UDP 2006). The trees are classified as Single, Linear or Group.   2017 -...

GM Cycle Hubs

Cycle Hub locations in Greater Manchester. The dataset is available in .csv, MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, and ESRI .shp file formats. Please acknowledge the source of this information using the...

Local Enterprise Partnerships (December 2014) Layered PDF Map in England

A layered PDF map showing the individual local enterprise partnerships (LEP) in England as at December 2014. Layered PDF files will not render correctly in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. We...

GM Key Route Network

Map data showing the Key Route Network (KRN) for Greater Manchester. The dataset is available in Mapinfo .TAB, Esri .SHP, Google .KML and GeoJSON formats. Please acknowledge the source of this...

GM Bee Network Routes

Map files showing Greater Manchester's walking and cycling network proposals. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, ESRI .shp, and GeoJSON file formats. Please acknowledge the...

GM Local Link areas

Map data showing Local Link (Demand Responsive Transport) service areas in Greater Manchester. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google .kmz, and ESRI .shp file formats. Please...

GM bus routes (1:25,000 scale map data)

This dataset consists of map files which show bus routes covering the Greater Manchester area. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, and ESRI .shp file formats. Please...

GM Cycle Lockers

Most lockers are part of the Bike Locker Users' Club (BLUC), but one or two locations are not BLUCs. The dataset is available in .csv, MapInfo .tab, Google .kmz, and ESRI .shp file formats....

GM Park and Ride

Map data showing the Park and Ride Car Parks for Greater Manchester (and some near the Greater Manchester boundary). The dataset is available in Mapinfo .tab, Esri .shp, Google .kml and geoJson...

Local Enterprise Partnerships (December 2014) Layered PDF Map in EN

A layered PDF map showing the individual local enterprise partnerships (LEP) in England as at December 2014. Layered PDF files will not render correctly in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. We...

GM Traffic Signal Locations

Locations of traffic signals in Greater Manchester, including Signals, Puffins, Pelicans, Pegasus, Wig Wags, Toucans, and LRT. The dataset is available in CSV, MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, ESRI...

Earthquake hazard from 36-Cl exposure dating of elapsed time and Coulomb stress transfer (NERC grant NE/I024127/1)

Data derived from NERC grant NE/I024127/1 1) 36Cl data and supporting chemistry. This folder contains the 36Cl concentration data, data on sample locations on fault planes, major and trace element...

GM Metrolink Network

This mapping dataset represents the present-day operational ‘Metrolink’ network in Greater Manchester. Metrolink is an electrified passenger tramway, using standard gauge rail track (1435mm), and...

Areas affected by landslides following Typhoon Parma in Itogon, Philippines, October 2009

This dataset contains the areas affected by landslides triggered by Typhoon Parma in the area of Itogon (Benguet, Philippines) between the 2nd and 5th October 2009. The polygons were mapped using...

GM Cycle Routes

Cycle routes in Greater Manchester, including on-road, off-road, and canal towpaths and National Cycle Network routes. Data provided by the GM local authorities. The dataset is available in...

GM Cycle Parking

This data includes the location of cycle stands (e.g. Sheffield Stands) which are generally on-street. All data comes from the Local Authorities. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google...