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Boundary stones

Data showing the locations and information about the boundary stones across Plymouth. To find out more about boundary stones in Plymouth visit:...


development_boundary Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of Development Boundaries in the Tendring area. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms...

Settlement Boundaries

All settlements classed in the hierarchy as Service Villages or above are defined by Settlement Boundaries. These boundaries indicate the areas where new development will generally be permitted,...

Field Boundary

A Field Boundary is a line feature representing the field boundary features adjacent to, or contained within, areas of agricultural land, trees, rough grassland or heath. It also includes features...

Settlement Boundaries

Administrative boundaries for all towns and villages with a population of more than 100 and with a recognised nucleus of village life, such as a school, local shop or public house, as defined in...

Ward Boundaries

Ward Boundaries, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of Ward Boundaries. This data has been derived from Ordnance Survey base...

Parish Boundaries

Parish Council Boundaries, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of Parish Boundaries. This data has been derived from Ordnance...

Lincolnshire Boundaries

Digital map boundaries of areas within Lincolnshire. Themes include Administrative, Electoral, Statistical, and Health. These boundary data sets are sourced from Ordnance Survey (OS) and the...

LDF Settlement Boundaries

Settlement boundaries as defined in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan adopted 12 September 2012. In principle appropriate development will be acceptable within settlement boundaries and...

Neighbourhood Boundaries

Data showing the neighbourhood boundaries in Plymouth.

Area Committee Boundaries

Area Committee boundaries following May 2019 elections and ward boundary changes.

OSNI Open Data Largescale Boundaries - County Boundaries

The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of County Boundaries.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed and attributed to...

OSNI Open Data Largescale Boundaries - County Boundaries

The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of County Boundaries.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed and attributed to...

OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - County Boundaries

The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of County Boundaries.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed and attributed to...

OSNI Open Data Largescale Boundaries - County Boundaries

The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of County Boundaries.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed and attributed to...

OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - County Boundaries

The OSNI Large-scale boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of County Boundaries.The data has been extracted from OSNI Largescale database and has been topologically cleansed and attributed to...

Development Boundaries

This dataset provides the development boundaries of Darlington.

Ward Boundaries

Shows the boundaries of all electoral wards in lambeth

Ward Boundaries

Ward Boundaries for Wigan Borough as at June 22

PCC Electoral Boundaries

The Electoral Boundaries of Portsmouth City Council. Captured as Boundaries by the Ordnance Survey.