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Road maintenance and repairs

Annual capital expenditure on road maintenance and repairs on roads within Calderdale.

% of Repairs completed on first visit

% of Repairs completed on first visit

Allerdale Group Repair Grant Land Charge

Group Repair Grant recorded as a Land Charge as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Unfit Repair Notice Land Charge

Unfit Repair Notice - URN recorded as a land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

% of all repairs completed on time - (YTD)

% of all repairs completed on time - (YTD)

% of Urgent Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

Repairs and Charges to Leaseholders 2015/16

Details of all repairs carried out to leasehold property blocks and their subsequent charge per property

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

National Vascular Registry 2015 Annual Report - AAA Repair Results

The NVR is the National Vascular Registry. It is a national clinical audit commissioned by the Health Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) to measure the quality of care for patients who undergo...

Average number of days to complete all repairs (excluding pre- inspection time) - (YTD)

Average number of days to complete all repairs (excluding pre- inspection time) - (YTD)

% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

Northern Ireland Index of Services

The Northern Ireland Index of Services (IOS) is an important short term measure of changes in the output of the private sector service industries within Northern Ireland. The IOS is a quarterly...

General Ophthalmic Services: Activity Statistics

This yearly report presents the key findings from the General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) data collection. The objective of GOS, through community opticians' practices, is to provide preventative and...

Total Management vacants - To be let after minor repairs (owned by that LA)

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Number on local authority owned dwellings that received "Capital" type installation, replacement or major repairs

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

GP Services

This report contains GP branches and the clinical services they provide. This report mirrors the services on the GP profile pages on NHS Choices and indicates services that most GP branches provide...

Utility_and_Gov_Services (MapService)

This view service provides spatial data relating to hydropower and all licensed sites

Community services

Dataset providing locations of services including medical centres, educational establishments, stations, community centres, emergency services and hotels. Additional information The Eastings and...

Community services

Dataset providing locations of services including medical centres, educational establishments, stations, community centres, emergency services and hotels. Additional...