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Fly-tipping in England

A summary of fly-tipping incidents in England, by local authority. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Fly-tipping - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ fly-tipping incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from July 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset excludes...

Fly-tipping - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __most recent__ fly-tipping incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons Non Domestic Waste Tip digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

NI 196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - fly tipping

The definition of fly-tipping used is designed to ensure that the whole spectrum of illegally dumped waste is taken into account.

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons.

NI 196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - fly tipping

The definition of fly-tipping used is designed to ensure that the whole spectrum of illegally dumped waste is taken into account. Source: Flycapture Database Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

Refuse Tips

These are landfills believed to have received putresible waste. The information is from historic or current maps or records, information received or visits, it may not have been verified and may...

Good Relations Indicators

The report is a compendium of indicators on community relations and includes statistics on hate crimes; attitudinal data on Protestant/Catholic relations; parades statistics and levels of prejudice...

Public Relations and Affilliations Manag

Public relations data - HMS BULWARK A record of affiliations and public relations data.

Smoking-related hospital admissions

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in smoking-related hospital admissions in Camden.

Human Relations - Employee Relations & Human Relations Direct

Commissioned Medical Reports; Health Insurance paperwork including claims forms; ill health retirement paperwork; Employee Assistance Programme; Access to work reports ; casework information

Camden Data Related Complaints

This is an aggregated dataset of data related complaints and their status in the complaints process. This is a rolling dataset that shows the number of complaints over time at Camden.

Deaths related to drug poisoning

Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales from 1993 onwards, by cause of death, sex, age and substances involved in the death. Source agency: Office for National...

Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics

Alcohol-related discharges from general acute and psychiatric hospitals and provides an update on data presented in the Alcohol Statistics Scotland publications. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part...

Drug Related Hospital Statistics

Drug related hospital and psychiatric discharge statistics. Normally published as part of Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland publication, due to issues with data submissions being published...

Drug-related deaths in Scotland

The number of, and trends in, drug-related deaths in Scotland, broken down by, for example, age, sex, Health Board and Council areas and whether particular types of drug were found in the...

Drug and Alcohol related hospital statistics

Annual update of drug and alcohol related hospital discharges. Previously published as two seperate publications. Alcohol related statistics has undergone National Statistics accreditation and...