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228 results found

Employment in the hi-tech community: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 2012

The Research Group holds a database of employment and businesses in the hi-tech community. It is based on a survey, by both post and telephone, of over 1,500 businesses, agencies and research...

Cambridgeshire County Council Trade Union Facility Time

This page contains information about Cambridgeshire County Council's Trade Union Facility Time.

Cambridgeshire County Council Government Procurement Card Transactions

This page shows the Government Procurement Card (GPC) Transactions made by Cambridgeshire County Council from 2014 Q1 onwards. The datasets detail the GPC transactions made by Cambridgeshire County...

Pilot Brownfield Register - South Cambridgeshire District Council

The Government intends to introduce a new requirement for local planning authorities to compile a Brownfield Register. This will list all the brownfield sites considered suitable for housing...

Brownfield Land Register South Cambridgeshire District Council

The Government has introduced a requirement for local planning authorities to compile a Brownfield Land Register. This lists all the brownfield sites considered suitable for housing development....

Location of Automatic Road Traffic and Cycle Counters in Cambridgeshire

This is an open data release of the physical state and location of Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC) across Cambridgeshire. This includes the location of all cycle counters across the county. The...

Cambridgeshire Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2017

Amount of completed Retail floorspace (sq.m.) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17. Broken down into four development use classes; A1, A2, B1a and D2. Worksheet includes data by district,...

East of England Forecasting Model 2013 Baseline for Cambridgeshire

The East of England Forecasting Model projects economic, demographic and housing trends in a consistent fashion. It covers a wide range of variables, and is designed to be flexible so that...

Brownfield Land Register South Cambridgeshire District Council

The Government has introduced a requirement for local planning authorities to compile a Brownfield Land Register. This lists all the brownfield sites considered suitable for housing development....

Cambridgeshire County Council Land And Property Assets

All land and property in use by Cambridgeshire County Council, whether owned or leased. By using or accessing this data you will be deemed to have accepted the [Public Sector End User Licence -...

Members' allowances and expenses for Cambridgeshire County Council

Allowances and expenses paid to Councillors of Cambridgeshire County Council

FOI and EIR performance at Cambridgeshire County Council

Numbers of Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests falling due each month and the number processed within the statutory deadline of 20 working days.

Cambridgeshire County Council website availability statistics

CCC website server availability between 2006 and 2013.

Cambridgeshire County Council Registered Common Land

Registered Common Land in Cambridgeshire. By using or accessing this data you will be deemed to have accepted the [Public Sector End User Licence -...

Cambridgeshire Mineral and Waste Management Planning Applications

The County as Mineral and Waste Planning Authority receives and determines planning applications for mineral and waste management development. Boundaries of these planning applications, which may...

Cambridgeshire County Council Registered Village Greens

Registered Village Greens in Cambridgeshire By using or accessing this data you will be deemed to have accepted the [Public Sector End User Licence -...

Cambridgeshire County Council Public Rights of Way

This dataset is an electronic working copy of the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way for Cambridgeshire. Please note this is not the legal record of Public Rights of Way in Cambridgeshire....

Mid 2010 Population Estimates by age bands and ward - Cambridgeshire

Spreadsheet of mid-2010 resident population estimates for each ward and age group in Cambridgeshire (excluding Peterborough). These estimates are created by the LGSS Research and Performance Team...

2015-based Population and Dwelling Stock Forecasts, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Cambridgeshire County Council's Research Group produces population and dwelling stock forecasts for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Forecasts are provided at county, district and ward level for...

Cambridgeshire Road Traffic Collision Casualties by Mode of Transport Counts

A series of data files containing counts of road traffic collision casualty counts across Cambridgeshire. There is a dataset for the county and each district broken down each month by the mode of...