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Homes England Land Hub Sites

Sites available for development or disposal by Homes England.

Integrated Site Assessment Species Records

Integrated Site Assessments are carried out by Natural England staff to assess the condition of notified features on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and Indicators of Success on Higher Level...

Historic Landfill Sites - Quarterly Summary

This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Waste Sites

A waste management licence is a legal document issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. A licence authorises the treatment keeping or disposal of waste in or on the land. Once we have...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Industrial Sites

The Environmental Permitting Regulations amongst other things implement the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Directive (EC/61/96) in England and Wales. Facilities covered by this...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)

A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended. Sites notified under the 1949 Act only are not included in...

Innovation in mapping ecosystem services and understanding the ecosystems approach to the protected site

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report mostly narrative. 3 technical reports contain data. This project is collaboration with Biodiversity and Ecosystem...

Special Protection Areas (SPAs)site details

This dataset contains basic site details for each and every Special Protection Area (SPA). Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are strictly protected sites classified in accordance with Article 4 of...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (time series)

Time series data for Sites of Special Scientific Interest. A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended....

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2010

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 2 Site Classifications 2016

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2012

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 2 Site Classifications 2015

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 2 Site Classifications 2013

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 2 Site Classifications 2014

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2013

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2009

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2015

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2014

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...

WFD Cycle 1 Site Classifications 2011

For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) water bodies are given classifications based on data collected at monitoring sites. There may be one or more sites per water body. Classification is an...