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208 results found

Common Land and Village Greens

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the extent & location of all Common Land & Village Greens within Bristol.Commons are typically unfenced land in private ownership with...

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Article IV Directions

Article 4 areas within Redcar and Cleveland Borough. They allow the council to withdraw the ‘permitted development’ rights that would otherwise apply by virtue of the Town and Country Planning...

Natura 2000 designation type

Designated type information for each Natura 2000 site (SAC and SPA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. Special...

Species point records from 1974 ITE Shetland littoral rock survey

Coastal Habitats - Physical Characteristics - Part 6.1: A set of non-selective regular sampling points on the coast of Shetland were investigated and this report gives a method to generalise from...

Habitat point records from 1974 ITE Shetland littoral rock survey

Coastal Habitats - Physical Characteristics - Part 6.1: A set of non-selective regular sampling points on the coast of Shetland were investigated and this report gives a method to generalise from...

Great Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project 2013

Location of ponds surveyed as part of Phase 1 of the Natural England 2013 Greated Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project (NE GCN EEP Surveyed GIS).Great crested newts (GCN), alongside other...

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Diabetes

This indicator is one measure of the prevention, identification and management of people at risk of developing diabetes and those with the condition. It shows adverse outcomes as annual numbers of...

Article 4 Direction Areas Historic Environment

Areas whereby the Council can remove permitted development rights in order to preserve the character and amenity of an area, including the historic environment. These Directions are made by local...

Village Green Register

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the extent & location of all Common Land & Village Greens within West Berkshire Council. Commons are typically unfenced land in private ownership...

Land (Register of Surplus Land)

This land dataset includes land parcel boundaries for e-PIMS records marked on the Register. This may be extended to other land records in the future. Currently it provides information on the...

Register of Surplus Land

*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** The Register provides information on the availability of surplus land for those government departments and their sponsored bodies which fall under the...

Social prescribing into adult education in London research and toolkit

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Learning and Work Institute to undertake a mapping exercise of social prescribing to adult education to improve Londoners’ mental health. This report...

Brownfield Land Register

The Government requires each local planning authority to maintain a register of previously developed (brownfield) land that is considered to be appropriate for housing. The Council’s current...

CIPFA: Nearest neighbours

Developed to aid local authorities in comparative and benchmarking exercises, the models provide a wide range of SSA based, socio-economic indicators upon which the specific family group is...

2010, Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA), Argyll Array, Bird Detection Radar Migration Monitoring

Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) Bird Detection Radarr was commissioned by Scottish Power Ltd to undertake a monitoring exercise during Spring and Autumn 2010 to assess migrational...

Special Areas for Conservation (SAC) basic site details

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. This dataset is derived from the UK wide data submitted to the EU Commmission in...

National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP): Pulmonary rehabilitation clinical and organisational audit 2019 report

The pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) combined clinical and organisational audit report is the second report published post launch of continuous data collection on 1 March 2019. The report presents...

2011, ABPmer, Zone 9 Celtic Array, Irish Sea Zone Management of Data Collection: Development of Data Sufficiency Criteria

ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) , commissioned by Celtic Array had provided previous metocean studies which reviewed the anticipated metocean conditions expected across the Irish Sea...

Seasonal breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers at an agriculturally-impacted stream at Wood Brook, UK, 2016-2017

This dataset contains breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers resulting from instantaneous tracer experiments in a lowland agricultural...

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) interest feature details

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. This series of datasets is derived from the UK wide data submitted to the EU...