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Scottish Government Planning View Service (WFS)

This download service provides spatial datasets relating to the planning system in Scotland published by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Orthoimagery View Service (WMS)

This download service provides spatial data relating to orthoimagery held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Planning View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial datasets relating to the planning system in Scotland published by the Scottish Government.

Countryside Survey Environmental Zones View Service

This view service displays Environmental Zones which are aggregations of ITE Land Classes; these classes are derived from repeatable multivariate analysis of environmental data collected for each 1...

Public Views on Ulster-Scots Culture, Heritage and Language in Northern Ireland Findings from the Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey April 2010

Providing views on Ulster-Scots culture, heritage and language in Northern Ireland Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

21CXRM Phase 2 East Shetland Platform Data Package

Integrated petroleum systems (PeST) studies and seep evaluations of the East Shetland Platform and SW Approaches area of the UKCS.  The studies were carried out as an industry collaboration as...

Morte Platform Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

Two surveys of Morte Platform rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: CEND2514 Date: 15th Nov - 19th Dec 2014 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): 100%...

Coal Authority - Mine Entries View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...

Scottish Government Economy and Business View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to economy and business held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Land Cover View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to land cover published by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Protected Sites View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to protected sites held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Agriculture and Environment View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to agriculture and environment held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Statistical Units View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to statistical units held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Transport Networks View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to transport networks held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government - Marine - Generic View Service (WMS)

This web mapping service (WMS) contains all the layers held on Marine Scotland Maps (NMPi) portal, excluding any layers consumed from a third party WMS. Layers which are licensed only for the...

Scottish Government People and Society View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to population distribution and demography held by the Scottish Government.

Coal Authority - Abandoned Mines View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...

Scottish Government - Marine - INSPIRE View Service (WMS)

This web mapping service (WMS) contains all the data layers maintained by the Marine directorate of the Scottish Government.

Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom View Service

This is a web map view service for the Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the United Kingdom. The IHU define geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow...

Food Hygiene Ratings website pages

A breakdown of the Food Hygiene Ratings top pages showing page views and unique page views.