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119 results found

The Area of UK Crops Grown for Bioenergy

This is an experimental statistical notice without associated datasets with estimates of the area of UK crops which have been grown for bioenergy. It covers wheat, oilseed rape, sugar beet, short...

Flood Storage Areas

Flood Storage Areas show those areas that act as a balancing reservoir, storage basin or balancing pond. Their purpose is to attenuate an incoming flood peak to a flow level that can be...

Eddy Covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water flux at an intensively cultivated lowland deep peat soil, East Anglia, UK, 2012 to 2020

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) for a managed...

Rheometric data for suspensions of bubbles and/or particles in a Newtonian suspending liquid

Rheometric data for suspensions of bubbles and/or particles in a Newtonian suspending liquid. Experimental suspensions are intended as analogues for multiphase magma and lava (containing volatile...

The number and individual weight of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris audax) from nests containing neonicotinoids in Wester Ross, UK

This dataset contains a colony performance indicator monitored from Bumblebee colonies of similar mass after 43-48 days in the field. The weight in milligrams (mg) is given of each surviving bee...

Flood defences

This record is for Approval for Access (AfA) product AfA006. This dataset shows, flood defences protecting against river floods with a 1 per cent (1 in 100) chance of happening each year, or sea...

Flood Defences without Standardised Attributes

This dataset shows flood defences that have been built to protect against flooding from rivers and the sea. The defences shown provide different levels of flood protection and this is...

Spatial Flood Defences with Standardised Attributes

This dataset shows flood defences that have been built to protect against flooding from rivers and the sea. The defences shown provide different levels of flood protection and this is...

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Carboniferous-age rock material from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders sampled in 2017, measured at the University of Liverpool (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Carboniferous-age rock material from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders sampled in 2017. This data is divided into multiple four letter coded...

Molecular analysis of freshwater bacterial biofilm communities under experimentally manipulated dissolved organic carbon regimes at Llyn Brianne (2014)

These data consist of raw 16S rRNA gene sequences for the bacterial communities in three upland Welsh river sites under different treatments. A mapping file with metadata for each sample is...

Free energy calculations of noble-gas containing liquid iron and silicate melt (NERC Grant NE/S01134X/1)

Free energy calculations of noble-gas containing liquid iron and silicate melts at 50 GPa (3500 K) and 135 GPa (4200 K). The chemical potentials of noble gases can be obtained from these...

Land cover maps of Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina, 1986-2018

[This dataset is embargoed until November 10, 2025]. The data resource consists of a series of land cover maps built using raster and shapefiles to evaluate the expansion of the invasive Ligustrum...

Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics: UK, 2019/20

Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics: UK, 2019/20 This Statistical Bulletin is the annual first release of Graduate Outcomes survey data. These experimental statistics cover UK higher...

Healthier Catering Award premises

Restaurants, takeaways and other caterers that offer healthier food can now apply for a Healthier Catering Award. This scheme is run by the council in partnership with the GLA (Greater London...

GP recorded chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates (COPD)

A dataset providing GP recorded chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a serious long-term lung disease in which the flow of air into the...

World Seismicity Database

This dataset contains parametric data (epicentre, magnitude, depth, etc) for over one million earthquakes worldwide. The dataset has been compiled gradually over a period of thirty years from...

Habitat point records from 1988-89 NRA Orwell Estuary sublittoral survey

The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of the major discharge, Cliff Quay Sewage Treatment works on the benthic fauna of the Orwell Estuary. One Day Grab sample was taken at each...

Species point records from 1988-89 NRA Orwell Estuary sublittoral survey

The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of the major discharge, Cliff Quay Sewage Treatment works on the benthic fauna of the Orwell Estuary. One Day Grab sample was taken at each...

Soil invertebrate data 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of invertebrate (soil mesofauna) counts from soils sampled across Great Britain in 2007. The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the...

Soil physico-chemical properties 1978 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of soil physico-chemical properties (pH and loss on ignition) from soils sampled across Great Britain in 1978. The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the...