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738 results found

Commercial and industrial waste arisings

A new single record created on DGUK for commercial and industrial waste arisings - to amalgamate all resources on that particular subject area and to maintain data pertaining to unique temporal...

Defra Human Resources Absent Staff Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Starters Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources TARA/TCS Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Core MI Data Pack Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Additional Staff Data Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources All Employees Staff List Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Core, APHA & VMD Staff List Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Leavers Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Secondments Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Sickness Absence Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

DCMS Government Procurement Card Spend – Transactions over £500 or above: 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011

DCMS has published all Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend for all staff that hold GPC’s. The data published includes transactions that have a single transaction value of £500 or above.

Common juniper single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and microsatellite (SSR) genotype data from individuals sampled from 18 natural UK populations in 2019

This dataset contains genotype data of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) from 18 populations of UK juniper, including the two subspecies hemisphaerica and...

UK Trade and Investment spend

The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, government departments...

Road Link

A Road Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of a road network between two points in the network. Road Links can represent single carriageways, dual...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Clinical Treatments - by CCG

NHS dental statistics for England, clinical treatments aggregated to CCG level. From 1 April 2008, information on clinical treatments was recorded in the FP17 form. Note that a patient can...

Provider Referrals and Payments

The Provider Referrals and Payments system provides a single repository of Contracted Employment Programmes data including Providers, contracts, services and charges. Information on Provider...

Species point records from 1973-81 DWT Devon and Cornwall occasional surveys

These are three separate studies of areas in Plymouth Sound. Each is treated as a separate site with a single habitat.

Habitat point records from 1973-81 DWT Devon and Cornwall occasional surveys

These are three separate studies of areas in Plymouth Sound. Each is treated as a separate site with a single habitat.

DCMS Government Procurement Card spend: transactions over £500

DCMS has published all Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend for all staff that hold GPC’s. The data published inculdes transactions that have a single transaction value of £500 or above. This...