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176 results found

Placing Requests in Local Authority Schools in Scotland

Requests to place children in schools outside of the catchment area, by stage and sector. Provides success rate and reasons for refusal. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Trees In Camden

This dataset contains locations of Council owned trees on highways and in parks and open spaces in the borough. The data is collected during cyclical tree inspections by Camden tree officers. Each...

Comparative transcriptomics of a complex of four European pine species

Data from whole transcriptome sequencing of the four European pine species - Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), P. mugo (Dwarf mountain pine), P. uliginosa (Mountain pine) and P. uncinata (Peat-bog...

Near-field TLS datasets from the 2016 central Italian Earthquake Sequence covering the 30th Oct Norcia Earthquake (NERC grant NE/P018858/1)

Terrestrial laser scanning datasets (including GPS data for georeferencing), and field photographs collected during the 2016 Central Italian Earthquake sequence. Data were collected from multiple...

Modernising Medical Microbiology COMPASS system (MMM-COMPASS)

Combining patient data (time, place, diagnosis, and contact data) with microbial sequencing data for patient benefit.

Wind Farms - South Ayrshire

This is a comprehensive dataset of all wind farm schemes within South Ayrshire including proposed, withdrawn, refused, constructed, and consented wind farms. The map shows the approximate physical...

Heterogeneity and environmental stress resistance of wild yeast isolates

This dataset contains analytical results for wild yeast isolates from soil samples at and near a disused metal smelting works in the north-east of the UK. The main contaminant from the smelting...

Planning Appeals Allowed

Planning Appeals Allowed The figure given is the percentage total of appeals registered against a decision to refuse an application. This indicator is no longer part of the Council's corporate...

Planning Appeals Allowed

Planning Appeals Allowed The figure given is the percentage total of appeals registered against a decision to refuse an application. This indicator is no longer part of the Council's corporate...

Scottish Liquor Licensing Statistics

This bulletin provides information, by council area, on the number and type of liquor licences in force in Scotland. It details the number of regular extensions to permitted hours, the number and...

GeoStrat Jurassic Report (ArcGIS Version)

Geostrat Report – The Sequence Stratigraphy and Sandstone Play Fairways of the Late Jurassic Humber Group of the UK Central Graben This non-exclusive report was purchased by the OGA from Geostrat...

Wireline logging and core analysis datasets collected from Swanworth Quarry and Metherhills boreholes during the NERC funded Rapid Global Geological Events (RGGE) project.

This dataset contains the collated wireline logs, stratigraphy and core analysis of the three boreholes drill as part of the publicly funded Rapid Global Geological Events Project (RGGE) which ran...

Hackney Special Policy Areas

Special Policy Areas in Hackney - effective from 1st August 2018. The effect of adopting a special policy, which the Council refers to as a Special Policy Area (‘SPA’), is to create a rebuttable...

Crown Prosecution Service

Conditional Cautioning was brought in by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and is operated under a statutory Code of Practice. The Code of Practice requires the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue...

Historic Land Use associated with Mineral Planning Permissions for England

Between 2001 and 2003 BGS received approximately 1400 1:25 000 paper maps and associated card index from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now Department for Communities and Local Government...

UKGEOS Glasgow superficial deposits pre-drill model

The UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow superficial deposits GSI3D model outputs, created by the British Geological Survey, provide a semi-regional overview of the depth, thickness and...

UKGEOS Glasgow bedrock pre-drill model

The UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow bedrock model outputs, created by the British Geological Survey, provide a semi-regional overview of the depth and extent of bedrock...

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) Mineral Planning Permission Polygons

Digital GIS mineral planning permission polygons from 1947 to 1985 as digitised from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government Planning Permission Maps and Cards (see associated metadata for...

EPMA and LAICPMS of lava and tephra samples, from the Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands, 2021.

EPMA (Electron probe microanalysis) major element analyses of clinopyroxene, olivine, amphibole and glass from lava and tephra samples of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption. LAICPMS (Laser Ablation...

London Happiness Scores, Borough

TAKING PART SURVEY This data shows satisfaction with life in general across a number of groups. The exact question posed to repondents was: 'Taking all things together, how happy would you say you...