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548 results found

Senior Staff Salaries

Salary details for Colchester's Chief Executive and senior officers. Pay is shown in £5,000 bandings as per the Data Transparency code. The full pay policy can be found at the following...

Senior salary count

Details of the number of employees with a full-time equivalent salary of at least £ 50,000.

Senior staff salaries

The data includes (in part) the following information. Column names are in brackets: service area code (see key below): used in expenditure returns to central government (Service area) full...

Senior Staff Salaries

Salary details for Colchester's Chief Executive and senior officers. Pay is shown in £5,000 bandings as per the Data Transparency code. The full pay policy can be found at the following...

SLDC Senior Salaries

This dataset provides information on Senior Salaries in South Lakeland District Council to meet the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requirements for Organisational Information. Also...

Senior Management Team

This dataset contains details of the senior management team at Blaby District Council, including names, job titles, position within the organisation and contact details. It will be updated on an...

Camden Senior Salaries

The Camden Senior Salaries is published on Camden's main website in compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code.

Senior salaries count

Count of the number of employees earning over £50k.

TfGM Senior Employees

Data contains details of TfGM’s senior employees, as required for publication to satisfy TfGM’s voluntary compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. (TfGM is not captured by the...

Senior management expenses at the Gambling Commission

A quarterly updated list of all senior management expenses from the Gambling Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. One document is created for each...

Senior staff payscale dataset 2012

View CQC's senior organisational payscale structure as it was on 1 April 2012.

Senior officials' business expenses and hospitality, January to March 2017

The Department for Exiting the European Union publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses, hospitality and travel on a quarterly basis.

Senior officials' business expenses and hospitality, October to December 2016

The Department for Exiting the European Union publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses, hospitality and travel on a quarterly basis.

Senior officials' business expenses and hospitality, July to September 2016

The Department for Exiting the European Union publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses, hospitality and travel on a quarterly basis. For July to September 2016, there was a nil...

Business expenses of Cabinet Office senior officials including hospitality

The Cabinet Office publishes, on a quarterly basis, details of expenses and hospitality incurred by their most senior officials.

Senior Staff hospitality received April 2010 to March 2012

Along with Other Government Departments, the Ministry of Defence will now be publishing Senior staff 3*, Permanent Secretary and Service Chiefs' hospitality...

DFID senior executives business expenses, gifts, travel and meetings

Information about DFID's senior executives business expenses, gifts received, travel and meetings with external organisations. The information and data is published quarterly.

Wirral Council Senior Salaries

This dataset provides information on Senior Salaries in Wirral Council to meet the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requirements for Organisational Information. All salaries exclude a...

Wycombe senior salary count

Details of the number of employees with a full-time equivalent salary of at least £ 50,000.

Senior Management Organisation Chart

Senior Management Team structure chart, also appendix A of the Pay Policy Statement.