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Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Chichester Harbour survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Newtown Harbour sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Medina Estuary survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Langstone Harbour sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Hamble Estuary sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Portsmouth Harbour survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Test Estuary survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Lymington Estuary survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Itchen Estuary sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Thames Estuary Production Corridor:Screen Industries Sector-evidence base and emerging areas of action

This dataset was collated to provide evidence for supporting and investing in the high growth screen industries sector in the Thames Estuary region. This evidence base was created as part of a...

UK Ward Canopy Cover

This dataset is the output from the UK canopy cover webmap project, which aimed to assess the percentage tree canopy cover in every ward in the UK. Forest Research delivered the project with...

Temperature Forecast Map Layer

A map overlay showing screen temperature in degrees centigrade for the UK. Single tile map layer images are provided three hourly from T+0 to T+36. The screen temperature is...

Chlamydia Testing Activity Dataset (CTAD)

Vital signs indicator, supports the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP)

Tests for Multiple Drugs with Complex Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

Development of screening tests for multiple drugs with complex Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

Alternaria on Sweet potato

Molecular characterisation of Alternaria species of Sweet Potato and development of a host resistance screening protocol.

Anti-Fungal Treatments in Food Animals

Development and validation of methods for screening and confirmatory analyses of residues of anti-fungal treatments in food animals


Development of a screening and confirmatory method for the detection of timlicosin in poultry muscle and pig, cattle and sheep kidney

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Activity, England

Non-disclosive dataset of activity taking place in the community at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including activity at non NHS service providers where available. SRH...

Miscellaneous Personal Payments

Display Screen Equipment eyesight test records and auditable payments during Financial Years 2009 to 2011

Community Services Statistics for Children, Young People and Adults

NHS-funded Community Services for children and young people aged 18 years or under using data from the new Children and Young People's Health Services (CYPHS) data set reported in England. The...