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839 results found

TSP 10: UK Regular Forces Stationed Location

This publication is now called the Quarterly Location Statistics – UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilian Personnel and it will be released under its new name. Source agency: Defence Designation:...

TSP 8: Age Distribution of UK Regular Forces

UK regular forces strengths by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 8

Life Expectancy

Life Expectancy in Special Areas (Urban/Rural, Deprivation and Community Health Partnership) within Scotland Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: Official Statistics not...

Life Expectancy

This interactive mapping tool allows you to analyse trends in life expectancy by local areas in the UK from 2000-02 onwards. The tool shows how life expectancy has changed over time and enables...

Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is a summary measure of the all-cause mortality rates in an area in a given period. It shows an estimate of the average number of years a newborn baby would survive if he or she...

National Life Tables

National life tables, which are produced annually for the UK and its constituent countries, give statistics on period life expectancy by age and sex. Source agency: Office for National...

Quality Of Life

Each year a survey called 'Quality of Life in Your Neighbourhood' is carried out. Bristol residents are asked to help monitor the Quality of Life in Bristol. The information provided from this...

Decennial Life Tables

Graduated life tables which give statistics on national life expectancy for each constituent country of the UK. Published once every ten years. Source agency: Office for National...

Interim Life Tables

Interim life tables, which are produced annually for the UK and its constituent countries, give statistics on period life expectancy by age and sex. Source agency: Office for National...

TSP 1: UK Regular Forces Strengths and Changes

Strengths of, and intake and outflow to/ from, the UK regular forces, including breakdowns by gender. Please note that this publication is no longer published, following consultation. Details can...

Life Expectancy

Data showing life expectancy in Plymouth's neighbourhoods. Disclaimer - Please note that this Data is open on Local Health and Terms and conditions are NOT for commercial use

Community Life Survey

The Community Life Survey is designed to track the latest trends and developments across areas key to encouraging social action and empowering communities. Topics covered include social action,...

TSP 19: UK Regular Forces Intake and Outflow by Age

Intake and outflow to/ from UK regular forces by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 19

Life Expectancy in Scotland

Life expectancy for administrative areas within Scotland. Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Life Expectancy in...

Life Opportunities Survey

Comparison of how disabled and non-disabled people participate in society in a number of life areas and the reasons why people do not take part in these areas as much as they would like to. It ran...

National Life Tables for Scotland

National Life Tables (previuosly known as Interim Life Tables) are published by ONS for the UK and its constituent countries. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Life expectancy - current figures

Life expectancy and disability free years statistics

Suicide and Open Verdict Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces

Statistics on suicide and open verdict deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Suicide & Open...

Skills for Life in England

Annually updated data for Skills for Life Qualifications in England. The data shows participation and achievement figures broken down by Age, Level, Provider Type, Geography and Learner...

Healthy Life Expectancy

This publication updates and expands upon the first estimates of HLE for Scotland produced by ISD and others. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation:...