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Statement of Persons Nominated

Candidate details for Local and General elections

Personal well-being

Estimates of personal well-being for UK local authorities from the financial year ending 2012 to financial year ending 2016, ONS.

DCLG DATA4NR: Theft from the person: Recorded offences

Notifiable offences recorded by the police: Theft from the person. Data4NR reference

NI 54: Parental experiences of services provided to disabled children

This publication sets out the main findings from the second national sample survey of parents of disabled children in England. This was conducted between July and November 2009 on the Department's...

Dwellings let to homeless acceptances provided under a mobility scheme

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Additional Social Rent dwellings provided by local authority area

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided by local authority area

NI 088 Percentage of schools providing access to extended services

The number of schools providing access to extended services against the number of schools in the local authority, expressed as a percentage. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 088 - Percentage of schools providing access to extended services

The number of schools providing access to extended services against the number of schools in the local authority, expressed as a percentage.

Responsiveness to inpatients’ personal needs (NHSOF 4.2)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey focussing on the responsiveness to personal needs. Purpose Consultation feedback...

Responsiveness to Inpatients' personal needs (CCGOIS 4.5)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey focussing on the responsiveness to personal needs. Current version updated:...

Covid 19 - Support to providers

Support to providers that the council has contracts with. In addition to financial support the Council has developed a voluntary workforce scheme to support the care homes using volunteers sourced...

Thurrock Home Care Providers

This dataset shows the locations of Home Care Providers in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Net Additional Homes Provided

Net Additional Homes Provided The net additional dwellings figure, or net supply of housing, is the absolute change in dwelling stock. It is derived from the number of new build completions;...

Gross Additional Homes Provided

Gross Additional Homes Provided *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing completions and consents are...

Pupil Foundation Stage Profile: Personal, social and emotional development

The proportion of foundation stage children (five year olds) achieving early learning goals in personal social and emotional development based on three measures: Dispositions and attitudes, social...

Government Secure Intranet (GSI) Personal Commitment Statements (PCS)

Government Secure Intranet (GSI) Personal Commitment Statements (PCS)  is an application for internal Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) use only. It is used by all new IT...

Personal well-being estimates

Estimates of personal well-being from the Annual Population Survey (APS) at district level on life satisfaction, feeling worthwhile, feeling happy and feeling anxious.

Price for older person's placements

The price for a basic spot contract bed paid to the independent sector provider for older person's placements.

Thurrock Older Persons Homes

This dataset shows the locations of residential complex for older people that Thurrock provide. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector...

Personal licences (sale of alcohol)

This dataset shows licences granted to individuals to authorise a sale of alcohol. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer and open it in a spread sheet program like...