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4,150 results found

GPS customer mailing lists

Lists of customers and stakeholders that are communicated to by GPS and business teams

Promotional material distribution lists

Promotion material distribution lists - Name, email address, postal address, telephone number, subject interest.

Stakeholder management and mailing lists

Lists of customers and stakeholders that are communicated to by the Procurement Policy & Capability Team


Contact details of all MOD STRAPSOs and support staff (STRAP Team, serial 3, of CIO-DSAS Information Asset Register)

List of Government non-executives

A list of all Government non-executives

List of Internal Drainage Boards

Please note: This catalog/data-sets has now been superseded by the the record titled: Association of Drainage Authorities: Administrative Boundaries - Internal Drainage Districts in England. This...

Forestry Commission Event and Facility use Customer List

A list of individuals who have used Forestry Commission facilities and attended Forestry Commission organised events and concerts.

Priority 1 - Roads (Precautionary)

First priority main road/high use gritting routes

Hackney Priority Employment Areas

Areas identified as opportunities to maximise government, business and community investment in order to help boost local employment and training opportunities. Created over OS MasterMap data....

Priority 1 Gritting Routes

Gritting is the spreading of rock salt on the highway to prevent it freezing in cold weather. We grit the highway to help minimise travel disruption and keep the flow of traffic moving along.More...

Priority 2 Gritting Routes

Gritting is the spreading of rock salt on the highway to prevent it freezing in cold weather. We grit the highway to help minimise travel disruption and keep the flow of traffic moving along.More...

National Dataset List

PLEASE NOTE: As of February 2019 this dataset is no longer being updated for publication and as such does not reflect the current situation. The data accessible from the link should be treated as...

Priority Habitats - Heathland

The heathland database was mapped using evidence gathered from on the ground reconnaissance surveys, ortho-photography survey and existing knowledge of sites of high quality. The geographical...

Priority Habitats - Peatland

The Northern Ireland Peatland map layer displays information from the NI Peatland Survey (1988) which mapped peatland vegetation at 1:20,000 scale for the whole of Northern Ireland derived from the...

Priority Habitats - Woodland

This Woodland Inventory incorporates evidence collected from a series of research contracts let to identify and survey areas of woodland of high nature conservation value.

Priority Habitats - Fens

This data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern Ireland. The research focused on identifying fens in Counties Down and Armagh where...

Priority Ecological Networks

Priority Ecological Networks (PENs) in the terrestrial environment are versions of the all-Wales habitat networks that show areas of connectivity between Protected Sites, and as such provide...

Wildcat Priority Areas

Boundaries of areas to be targeted for wildcat conservation. Areas selected based on results of wildcat camera trapping surveys performed by WildCru, over the winter of 2013 - 2014. Boundaries of...

Priority Habitats - Heathland

About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern IrelandThe heathland database was mapped using evidence gathered from...

Priority Habitats - Peatland

About this layerThe Northern Ireland Peatland map layer displays information from the NI Peatalnd Survey (1988) which mapped peatland vegetation at 1:20,000 scale for the whole of Northern Ireland...